Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

    Just a reminder that I will be leading our weekly, 1 hour "live" Saturday sitting, midnight (Saturday/Sunday) Japan time ... which will be Saturday morning or afternoon in most parts of the world. Please check your local time. I will try to use both the 'Always Open Zen Hall" and USTREAM (so it can be recorded for later sitters) ... hopefully I will get everything working this time. I will have links on the blog shortly before the sitting.

    I plan to start with 3 floor prostrations (or deep Gassho), then chant Heart Sutra in JAPANESE only this week (we will alternate English/Japanese week to week), then sit 30 or 35 minutes, the 10 minutes of Kinhin, closing with the chant of the "4 Vows". Please join in all.

    Gassho, Jundo



    Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo*
    (The Heart of the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra in JAPANESE)

    Kan Ji Zai Bo Satsu Gyo Jin Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ji Sho Ken Go* On Kai Ku Do I Sai Ku Yaku Sha Ri Shi Shiki Fu I Ku Ku Fu I Shiki Shiki Soku Ze Ku Ku Soku Ze Shiki Ju So Gyo Shiki Yaku Bu Nyo Ze Sha Ri Shi Ze Sho Ho Ku So Fu Sho Fu Metsu Fu Ku Fu Jo Fu Zo Fu Gen Ze Ko Ku Chu Mu Shiki Mu Ju So Gyo Shiki Mu Gen Ni Bi Ze Shin Ni Mu Shiki Sho Ko Mi Soku Ho Mu Gen Kai Nai Shi Mu I Shiki Kai Mu Mu Myo Yaku Mu Mu Myo Jin Nai Shi Mu Ro Shi Yaku Mu Ro Shi Jin Mu Ku Shu Metsu Do Mu Chi Yaku Mu Toku I Mu Sho Tok ko Bo Dai Sat Ta E Han-Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ko* Shin Mu Kei Ge Mu Kei Ge Ko Mu U Ku Fu On Ri Is-Sai Ten Do Mu So Ku Gyo Ne Han San Ze Sho Butsu E Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ko* Toku A Noku Ta Ra San Myaku San Bo Dai Ko Chi Han-Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ze Dai Jin Shu Ze Dai Myo Shu Ze Mu Jo Shu Ze Mu To To Shu No Jo Is sai Ku Shin Jitsu Fu Ko Ko Setsu Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Shu Soku Setsu Shu Watsu Gya* Tei Gya Tei Ha Ra Gya Tei Hara* So Gya Tei Bo Ji Sowa Ka Han Nya Shin Gyo


    To save all sentient beings, though beings numberless

    To transform all delusions, though delusions inexhaustible

    To perceive Reality, though Reality is boundless

    To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable
  • Bansho
    • Apr 2007
    • 532

    Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to say that it was a great experience to sit with you all. I'm very grateful to be able to practice like this at Treeleaf.



    • Eika
      • Sep 2007
      • 806

      Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

      Hi, everyone. I'll have to catch the on-demand version tonight. I was at the pond with my children enjoying being alive and in their company.

      [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


      • Skye
        • Feb 2008
        • 234

        Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

        Nice photo! Add it to the Treeleaf group if you're on Flickr...

        I too will be joining the recorded version shortly.

        Even on one blade of grass / the cool breeze / lingers - Issa


        • Undo
          • Jun 2007
          • 495

          Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

          I was there but only as a blue square. I could still hear and take part though so thanks everyone.

          P.S. Nice photo bill


          • Yugen

            Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

            Thanks for sharing this photo.... I often overlook, in my "busyness," the beauty and presence in being with my children... this is a beautiful reminder to be in the present moment.



            • Skye
              • Feb 2008
              • 234

              Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

              Thank you Jundo for this sitting, and staying up late to put non-attainment within reach.

              Gassho all,

              PS: scheduler is coming along slowly but surely
              Even on one blade of grass / the cool breeze / lingers - Issa


              • Shugen
                • Nov 2007
                • 4532

                Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

                I tried to watch the "Live" Saturday sitting with Jundo about 8pm E.S.T. and could not get it to work. I also tried to watch Fridays talk and could not get that to work either. Is anyone else having trouble? (I checked my plug-in and hit the reload button but still did not have any luck)

                Meido Shugen
                明道 修眼


                • Eika
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 806

                  Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

                  Hi, Ron.
                  I've got the same issue . . . it will not load for some reason.
                  I'll simply chant and sit without it.

                  [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41208

                    Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

                    Originally posted by rculver
                    I tried to watch the "Live" Saturday sitting with Jundo about 8pm E.S.T. and could not get it to work. I also tried to watch Fridays talk and could not get that to work either. Is anyone else having trouble? (I checked my plug-in and hit the reload button but still did not have any luck)

                    Hi Guys,

                    I am talking to tech support at the company about the issue. I updated FLASH, but that does not help. If it will not load, hitting the half-moon shaped arrow on the little button below the screen seems to start it.

                    There are great lessons about life here. I am more and more convinced that our universe is still in Beta, and will be great once the designer gets all the small bugs worked out. And, like real tech support, you can only pray for help which sometimes comes, sometimes not. :roll:

                    Gassho, Jundo
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Shugen
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 4532

                      Re: Live Saturday Sitting with Jundo

                      It is working now.

                      Meido Shugen
                      明道 修眼

