Something I have been wrestling with has been slowly crystallizing into a question I can (sort of) verbalize.
I think I often experience a joy and gratitude of just "being," nowadays. This has seeped in over some years, most definitely as a result of practice, (including a nurturing seeds practice, which I originally learned via reading Thich Nhat Hahn) and it can occur even in the midst of difficult circumstances.
But how do you tell if the joy and gratitude is really the blue sky behind the clouds, or a selfish ego enjoying the contentment of comfort and health? Is it egocentric to be joyful and grateful while others suffer? Does it indicate an undesirable state of attachment to life being a certain way?
I think I often experience a joy and gratitude of just "being," nowadays. This has seeped in over some years, most definitely as a result of practice, (including a nurturing seeds practice, which I originally learned via reading Thich Nhat Hahn) and it can occur even in the midst of difficult circumstances.
But how do you tell if the joy and gratitude is really the blue sky behind the clouds, or a selfish ego enjoying the contentment of comfort and health? Is it egocentric to be joyful and grateful while others suffer? Does it indicate an undesirable state of attachment to life being a certain way?