Dear friends,
Jundo often explains how, in this Sangha, the line between 'lay' and 'ordained' ('householder' and 'homeleaver') is quite blurred.
I am currently doing some formal study of the Pali Canon and came across this in the 'Middle Length Discourses' (Majjhima Nikaya), which reminded me of what Jundo had said:
"Whether it be a householder or one gone forth,
one who has entered on the right way of practice,
by reason of their right way of practice,
is accomplishing the method,
the dhamma that is healthy.
There is work involving a great deal of activity,
great functions, great engagements,
and great undertakings,
which, when it fails, is of small fruit…
There is work involving a small amount of activity,
small function, small engagements,
and small undertakings,
which, when it succeeds, is of great fruit."
So, the Buddha seems to agree...
-sat today-
Jundo often explains how, in this Sangha, the line between 'lay' and 'ordained' ('householder' and 'homeleaver') is quite blurred.
I am currently doing some formal study of the Pali Canon and came across this in the 'Middle Length Discourses' (Majjhima Nikaya), which reminded me of what Jundo had said:
"Whether it be a householder or one gone forth,
one who has entered on the right way of practice,
by reason of their right way of practice,
is accomplishing the method,
the dhamma that is healthy.
There is work involving a great deal of activity,
great functions, great engagements,
and great undertakings,
which, when it fails, is of small fruit…
There is work involving a small amount of activity,
small function, small engagements,
and small undertakings,
which, when it succeeds, is of great fruit."
So, the Buddha seems to agree...

-sat today-