Jundo - you've certainly started a trend...!
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The Dharma works in mysterious ways.
Its all good practice.
Thank you for your practice.
#Sat2dayLife is our temple and its all good practice
Blog: http://fugenblog.blogspot.com/ -
Thank you for the link.
"when we drop all thought of 'here' 'there' 'now' 'then' ... we are sitting all together!"
Joyful news.
Myosha sat todayLast edited by Myosha; 09-16-2015, 01:02 PM."Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"Comment
Actually, one aspect is that the old guard over there still does not approve of such ways as "at a distance Jukai" and such ... being quite insistent on the face to face. So, we are still alone in that.
I keep insisting that we all, in our Sangha, are face to face, all in a Buddha Eye ... but I never did convince them. Oh well. Today, I read this quote from Manzan ...
On the Zafu, no space separates us; though separated by a vast ocean, our eyelashes would remain intermingled ...
Well, at least, you, me, Manzan and the Buddha get the point.
Gassho, J
"Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"Comment
They misunderstand. The face to face is with your original face.
SAT today_/_
無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...
In defence of Treeleaf I'd say the face is the person you are connecting with. In person there are thousands of non-verbal and proximity-felt subtleties passing between two people. Eye contact can be the most powerful thing in the world. Just think of falling in love and looking into each other's eyes. So we have our work cut out, our challenge laid down, to make this form of connecting be that effective. "Original face" can be a transformative experience or a superficial affirmation. The conservatives are not dummies who don't get the meaning of Indra's net and its potential. They are just doubtful about the depth of connection between say..dharma99 and zenrocketeer... which is what they see. This experiment has just begun. It is a moving and inspiring to be a part of it.
Sat todayComment
In defence of Treeleaf I'd say the face is the person you are connecting with. In person there are thousands of non-verbal and proximity-felt subtleties passing between two people. Eye contact can be the most powerful thing in the world. Just think of falling in love and looking into each other's eyes. So we have our work cut out, our challenge laid down, to make this form of connecting be that effective. "Original face" can be a transformative experience or a superficial affirmation. The conservatives are not dummies who don't get the meaning of Indra's net and its potential. They are just doubtful about the depth of connection between say..dharma99 and zenrocketeer... which is what they see. This experiment has just begun. It is a moving and inspiring to be a part of it.
Sat todayWell spoken.
Gassho, J
There is a face to face with the master and a face to face with your original or true self. My hunch is that they are one and the same. Right now the important point is to keep sitting / meditating. Nobody knows the future but its probably a blend of the traditional and the non traditional.
SAT today_/_
無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...
In defence of Treeleaf I'd say the face is the person you are connecting with. In person there are thousands of non-verbal and proximity-felt subtleties passing between two people. Eye contact can be the most powerful thing in the world. Just think of falling in love and looking into each other's eyes. So we have our work cut out, our challenge laid down, to make this form of connecting be that effective. "Original face" can be a transformative experience or a superficial affirmation. The conservatives are not dummies who don't get the meaning of Indra's net and its potential. They are just doubtful about the depth of connection between say..dharma99 and zenrocketeer... which is what they see. This experiment has just begun. It is a moving and inspiring to be a part of it.
Sat today
Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.Comment
I agree with this. I feel a connection to people here no matter the distance. It's very possible to be in the same room with a hundred zen masters and have no connection whatsoever.
Also, I wouldn't have contact with ANY other practitioners if not for Treeleaf. There is merit in that alone, in my opinion.
Gassho, Entai
泰 Entai (Bill)
"this is not a dress rehearsal"Comment
The new guy'serpective on this virtual, non virtual sangha.. I have practiced meditation on and off for forty years. A lot of the off came from a busy life that took me all over the country and some of the world, thus having lived in many different towns in different States within the U.S. No regrets for any of this, it was all good. However there was usually no sangha to connect to. Or if there was my work travel made me an infrequent participant, so much so that I was not motivated and my practice would stumble for years, pick up, then fall again. I retired to a remote location and there is no one close by. I told myself there must be someway to connect with Zen through the Internet. Heck you can do everything else online. My search began. Behold, Treeleaf. In the middle of my mountain retreat I can sit with people from all over the world. Hear their challenges, see their struggles and successes, feel their compassion, and have a human connection realizing we are all the same but different. Now that I am on the road doing my wild lands thing and I can sit in my truck on a tablet and tell my Sangha what I think. I can even sit with folks from a picnic table in the mountains when 3G floats by. Bottom line, to me it matters not what doubters may think, they had a different opportunity than I. I am thankful for this sangha, it helps keep me on course. The world was once thought to be flat, then not, but it never was.
Thank you for the vision of Jundo and the participation of all here. You have greatly helped my journey.
sat last night from a small camping trailer with Dosho, far away but here while the wind rocked my zazen.Comment