Ango 2015 Poetry

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  • Jishin
    • Oct 2012
    • 4823

    What a jerk!

    I say to myself.

    Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


    • Jakuden
      • Jun 2015
      • 6141

      I am a jerk too
      Concerning myself over
      Life's inconvenience


      • Nindo

        The first snow

        soft flakes drifting
        floating falling
        ever so gently
        melting on contact

        on the asphalt
        on the wooden stairs
        one on my cheekbone
        a cold tickle

        each a prayer
        each saying, hush
        peace, peace, peace
        be soft
        let go


        • Byokan
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Apr 2014
          • 4282

          Originally posted by Nindo
          soft flakes drifting
          floating falling
          ever so gently
          melting on contact

          on the asphalt
          on the wooden stairs
          one on my cheekbone
          a cold tickle

          each a prayer
          each saying, hush
          peace, peace, peace
          be soft
          let go

          Sooo beautiful, thank you Nindo!

          sat today
          展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
          Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            I've been reading about stealing in The Mind Of Clover. This has come after reading about killing in the precept. To foster life is the same as generosity. In one comment I see others commenting about how the precepts intertwine. As I grow older, I see my life as one of service. For many years taking is all this poor kid knew how to do. Now that I am older I can give of my time. I volunteer in a number of ways. I will say that for years I took from my little family and gave little in return. That changed when I nearly lost my life 3 times. When one is faced with an incomplete life, one must change and place all at giving. Now I am faced each day with terrible pain. So my job is to find ways to give. I do not drive, depend on my beautiful wife who I love with my heart. It comes to this, what is more important things or life. Therefore the act of taking things is deeply rooted in the act of generosity. Time and understanding. This is what I offer Fugen please write to me?
            sat today

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tb
              • Jan 2008
              • 3186

              Originally posted by Elgwyn
              So my job is to find ways to give.
              I do not drive, depend on my beautiful wife who I love with my heart. It comes to this, what is more important things or life. Therefore the act of taking things is deeply rooted in the act of generosity. Time and understanding. This is what I offer Fugen please write to me?

              Thank you, beautifully written.
              Now the question becomes, how do we manifest this in life?

              And thank you for your practice.


              Life is our temple and its all good practice


              • Getchi
                • May 2015
                • 612

                I walk one path, alone.
                SO many thoughts, so many loves.
                Who should I meet but myself?
                It thus ever was.
                Nothing to do? Why not Sit?


                • Kokuu
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Nov 2012
                  • 6992

                  Fallen willow branch
                  the second ancestor stands
                  before Daruma

                  Huike, the second Zen ancestor, was reputed to have cut off
                  his own arm to demonstrate his determination to Bodhidharma


                  • Sven
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 54

                    You Live

                    for Brandon Lacy Campos

                    Watching your poetry series on YouTube
                    the retroactively ironic title, “I Live”
                    set against the previous in the playlist
                    unripe plums, metaphysics,
                    and Whalen’s meditation
                    on William Carlos Williams

                    Looking up from the digital
                    to the IRL window
                    the derelict blue house
                    its gutters hanging down
                    the tree scorched by fire
                    the vacant lot diagonal
                    where the house so recently burned
                    under renovation reclaiming the poetry
                    of a previous century’s architecture
                    gone in minutes of heat and electric fireworks
                    the lot now a graded smooth expanse
                    where once a firm frame structure stood
                    for a century or more

                    the sound of a car
                    tires crunching loose gravel
                    as it makes a U-turn
                    to head back up N. Rampart toward Poland

                    The meditative insomnia of memory
                    keeps my eyes open lids heavy
                    scorched leaves hanging brittle and brown
                    empty lot now the city cleared it
                    only char marks on back fence remain
                    the repetition of traffic turning 180°
                    at the center of the intersection

                    This vacant lot is not the house
                    wood is not ash, nor fuel fire
                    this street a dead-end yet a means to one
                    imperfect impermanent interconnected

                    A small dog barks twice
                    walking by with its owner
                    train whistle
                    a carpenter’s hammer

                    The living voice of dead poets
                    remembering dead poets
                    your words defy borders
                    the atoms of your body
                    expand out across the universes
                    in all directions and across all times
                    just as your legs spread wide across their limits
                    you defied their can’ts don’ts wont’s
                    and we love you for it

                    You live in ink in pixels in memory
                    your voice on the phone the week before
                    now more concept than cadence
                    the electric pop of dissolution
                    the unsuspected news on Facebook
                    even before the cell phone rang

                    Sound waves can’t be destroyed
                    the half life of your words’ radiation
                    will never reach zero
                    I replay the video
                    permanently transfecting the cosmos
                    with the vector of your defiance
                    Brandon you are still fine as Hell


                    Link to Brandon's poetry on my blog version...
                    Last edited by Sven; 11-24-2015, 08:51 PM.
                    Words and ideas are a description of reality, silence is a negation of reality. What is the reality itself? — John Daido Loori



                    • Ryumon
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1818

                      A poem

                      Sitting on Sunday morning
                      Church bells peal, six notes descending, repeating
                      Sunlight breaks through the clouds,
                      It's warm rays illuminate my face
                      My cat yawns and stretches
                      The final bell rings and stops
                      Yet its memory lingers in the silence.



                      I know nothing.


                      • Shugen
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 4532

                        Thank you Kirk.



                        明道 修眼
                        As a priest in training, please assume I don't really know what I'm talking about....[emoji3]
                        Meido Shugen
                        明道 修眼


                        • Shokai
                          Dharma Transmitted Priest
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 6530

                          Wonderful !! Thank you for sharing this Kirk

                          gassho, Shokai
                          gassho, Shokai

                          仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                          "Open to life in a benevolent way"



                          • Mp

                            Thank you Kirk,




                            • Nindo

                              I am going to publish this one in a local anthology.


                              No trace of having entered the mountains

                              there’s comfort in knowing the names of mountains
                              - Bonhomme, Miette, Perdrix, Kerkeslin, Hardisty, Tekarra -
                              I want to write a poem about each of them

                              to capture how vistas open up on the drive in
                              and how the evening light makes a rock face glow
                              on the way home

                              how the layers of rock were thrust up
                              and came to stand vertically
                              and ice, water and wind ground and wore and dissolved

                              (does the rock miss the polishing touch
                              of the glacier that filled this valley?)

                              all this I want to write
                              but the breath-in, breath-out experience
                              of being (in) the mountains cannot be grasped
                              and using its name is not yet meeting the mountain

                              before language, mountains are
                              expressing themselves in continual change

                              in awe we become ordinary animals
                              that enjoy water and bread
                              and walk simply
                              with no name, rank or title
                              not even that of poet


                              • Byokan
                                Senior Priest-in-Training
                                • Apr 2014
                                • 4282

                                Wow, 2 in one day, we're rich! Thanks for posting, Kirk and Nindo, I love both of these.

                                sat today
                                展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                                Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.

