What areas of our forum are private/public?

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  • Banto
    • Jan 2015
    • 209

    What areas of our forum are private/public?

    I saw a post on the public TreeLeaf Facebook (there's another closed group one) that had a link to a discussion about strange experiences (great thread):

    Anyways I noticed the thread is public (I was in a browser and not logged in) and could navigate around there and much of this site. I thought there were areas that were private to our group? If there are I'm having trouble differentiating public/private by the top level categories.

    It's not much of a big deal, and never mattered much to me except now if any of us on FB "Like" this discussion for example, all our friends and family can see that (that might be good) and then they can see the discussions we're having here. This might be why some want to not use their real name or picture for avatar. Guess we just have to keep in mind that our discussions might be viewable by all our FB friends/family.


    Banto (aka Rodney)
    万磴 (Myriad StoneSteps)
  • Stacy
    • Mar 2013
    • 84

    Hello Rodney,

    There is a thread that covers privacy here: http://www.treeleaf.org/forums/showt...Sangha-Members

    Originally posted by Jundo
    1 – First, please note that two sections of our Forum are visible and accessible only to Sangha members who have registered for our Forum. Those are our (1) TOPICS ABOUT ALL OF LIFE section, and (2) JUKAI, PRECEPTS STUDY & SEWING FORUM section.
    More details on why those ones, and other privacy tips, in that thread.

    Are there Like buttons? My ad blockers must be doing their job, I guess.




    • Banto
      • Jan 2015
      • 209

      Perfect thank you! Sorry I had missed that.

      SatToday Rodney

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      Banto (aka Rodney)
      万磴 (Myriad StoneSteps)


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41203

        Originally posted by Stacy
        Hello Rodney,

        There is a thread that covers privacy here: http://www.treeleaf.org/forums/showt...Sangha-Members

        More details on why those ones, and other privacy tips, in that thread.

        Are there Like buttons? My ad blockers must be doing their job, I guess.


        Yes ...

        1 – First, please note that two sections of our Forum are visible and accessible only to Sangha members who have registered for our Forum. Those are our (1) TOPICS ABOUT ALL OF LIFE section, and (2) JUKAI, PRECEPTS STUDY & SEWING FORUM section. The reason is that, in those sections, people tend to speak most often about subjects such as past health struggles, personal problems, marriage and work difficulties and the like that best should not be shared with the likes of strangers, nosey neighbors and co-workers. Thus, we believe that Google and like search engines will not have access to those sections, and if you wish to prevent search engines from access to such information, it is best to post in those two parts of our Forum. All other sections of our Forum are potentially open to anyone for perusal, and to search engines to collect and archive the content. So, be careful in discussing very private matters in other sections of the Forum unless you do not care who reads it. (If you have previously posted very private information in other sections of the Forum, you may wish to go back into your past posts and delete such information).
        More on wise confidentiality here ...

        CONFIDENTIALITY TIPS for Sangha Members
        Dear Leafers, Our Forum is meant as a place where Sangha members can discuss honestly and frankly matters of Zen Practice and all of life (not two, by the way). We hope that people here feel the confidence, mutual trust and acceptance to be able to “open up,” drop walls, and talk about any subjects in their lives,

        Our Forum is meant as a place where Sangha members can discuss honestly and frankly matters of Zen Practice and all of life (not two, by the way). We hope that people here feel the confidence, mutual trust and acceptance to be able to “open up,” drop walls, and talk about any subjects in their lives, including very difficult and personal matters, and their connection to Buddhist Teachings.
        Gassho, Jundo



        • Banto
          • Jan 2015
          • 209

          Thanks Jundo
          Stacy, the Like Button I referred to is on the FaceBook post on the TreeLeaf public page.

          When you like and/or comment on FaceBook public posts (TreeLeaf also has a closed group in another area that is private) then all your friends can see a news feed post that you liked it. The post this morning was a conversation from here on this site. So by Liking that post, your friends would be directly lead to the thread on this site. And that might be a good thing for anyone that might be interested in joining us. It's just something to keep in mind with the new addition of those posts of these thread conversations. Hope that make sense.

          Not a problem, just something to be aware of.
          I'll read through those texts above. And will remember to put more private things in the other 2 areas.
          Thanks all, Gassho
          Rodnay ->SatToday

          Banto (aka Rodney)
          万磴 (Myriad StoneSteps)


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41203

            Hi Rodney,

            Do you mean that content from the "Private" sections could end up automatically posted to Facebook somehow????

            Gassho, J


            • Jakuden
              • Jun 2015
              • 6141

              I don't read it like that, I think Rodney means that liking a post on fb will be visible to others which would in turn lead them to a thread... But they can probably only see the actual thread if it is public,


              • Banto
                • Jan 2015
                • 209

                Yes correct Sierra thanks!
                Gassho, r

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                Banto (aka Rodney)
                万磴 (Myriad StoneSteps)


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41203

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Ongen
                    • Jan 2014
                    • 786

                    hmm, If I'm not wrong, still anyone can register on this forum and view the threads eventually, so privacy is a very relative thing anyway.
                    I guess if you start discussing things here, perhaps about other people in your circles, that you don't want them to be able to access, it might be best to feighn names or keep to private messaging.

                    The internet and privacy are not compatible anyway...

                    We do link to 'Private threads' sometimes on Facebook. Interested people might want to register and join the discussion. People not interested will not see the post, or not react to it.

                    End of the line is always, if you don't want stuff to be out in the open, don't put it on a forum. Not even a private one.


                    Sat Today
                    Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41203

                      Yes, common sense and care is important here ...

                      From our confidentiality guidelines ...

                      3 – Be careful and discreet in being TOO SPECIFIC ABOUT WORK PLACES, overly indentifiable HOME ADDRESSES, CHILDRENS’ AND SPOUSE’S NAMES and the like. This will let us talk about anything, but with some safety. For example, instead of saying “I am a physician named Robert Smith at Mercy Hospital in Bedford, Texas with a past drinking problem” one could say “I am a medical professional named Bob at a hospital in Texas with a past drinking problem.” Just use common sense here.
                      Gassho, J

                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Banto
                        • Jan 2015
                        • 209

                        Ongen, I understand; that's not my concern though, not quite where I'm coming from. Jundo, yes agreed on the common sense.

                        It's just a "let's be aware" thing. Friends of ours not even searching for (nor aware of) TreeLeaf will start to see our activity. Again that might be a good thing! I'm pretty open personally, nothing to hide. Just don't want anyone to be surprised with this new visibility among our FB friends to our conversations here. That's all.
                        Yes the remedy would be "just don't 'Like' those public FB posts if you don't want the conversations made readily available to your friends"
                        And only put more sensitive stuff as mentioned in the private forums. Our FB lurkers are less likely to register unless they want to be a part of us.

                        Perhaps everyone already understood the implication. All is well ...

                        Gassho have a great day everyone!
                        SatToday -r

                        Banto (aka Rodney)
                        万磴 (Myriad StoneSteps)


                        • Stacy
                          • Mar 2013
                          • 84

                          Originally posted by Rodney
                          Stacy, the Like Button I referred to is on the FaceBook post on the TreeLeaf public page.
                          Ohhhhhh, OK. I didn't know the context. Now I do.




                          • Banto
                            • Jan 2015
                            • 209


                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                            Banto (aka Rodney)
                            万磴 (Myriad StoneSteps)

