I've been thinking through the concepts of greed and attachment over the last few weeks in light of two events in my "life" (or the illusion of what is commonly referred to as "real life"...
). First, my wife and I have been fixing up our house, getting it ready to sell. We are "empty nesters" now (interesting term in itself, I guess!), and are looking to downsize our house and get more land, so that my wife can better pursue her job of training dogs (actually, training people to better interact with their dog companions). It has been really interesting to look through some of the "stuff" that we have accumulated over the years and throw away or donate to charity the things that we don't use....and have been holding on to for "selfish" reasons. It has been very liberating to let so much go: to realize that we don't need the *things* that we were keeping for the sake of remembering, since we had the memories already....no need for tangible things!
The second event is a bit more vexing. I'm close to my annual review at work, and I will be getting a raise. I don't see this as problematic, necessarily, as I tend to raise my donations to charity when I get a raise anyway; I am also not a big materialist. I live pretty simply, and try to avoid accumulating "things" -- my wife and I have agreed that the less stuff we have, the happier we are generally. My question comes in when it comes to promotions: is it considered "anti-Zen", or not in keeping with the precepts to actually seek out a promotion? Is wanting a more senior position considered "greed" or "attachment", since it obviously has the connection of more material wealth/material "well being"?
I should qualify this by saying that I work with a company that manages benefits for other companies: my current job is as a team manager, where I work directly with client companies to ensure that their employees have no issues with their medical/dental/vision/welfare benefits. A promotion means that I would get more difficult clients (i.e., clients who have more issues that need to be resolved/corrected), which is something that I am currently doing. I have been looking forward to such a promotion for a while, but as I have returned more to Zen, I see where it can be problematic. I wouldn't refuse it if is is offered to me, but would it be wrong to ask for a promotion if one is not offered?
Similarly, my current position has over the years brought me to a point where I have developed some anxiety/slight panic disorder (due to the near constant stress). Would it be similarly "wrong" by the precepts to look for a different (and higher paying) position in the company, if it helped to reduce that stress and make me healthier overall? I'm looking at applying for a position that would allow me to work from home more: working from home, I have more sunlight, can be nearer my wife and dogs (all excellent Zen teachers, by the way!), and tend to live more in the moment (i work from home two days week currently).
I gladly welcome all insights!

The second event is a bit more vexing. I'm close to my annual review at work, and I will be getting a raise. I don't see this as problematic, necessarily, as I tend to raise my donations to charity when I get a raise anyway; I am also not a big materialist. I live pretty simply, and try to avoid accumulating "things" -- my wife and I have agreed that the less stuff we have, the happier we are generally. My question comes in when it comes to promotions: is it considered "anti-Zen", or not in keeping with the precepts to actually seek out a promotion? Is wanting a more senior position considered "greed" or "attachment", since it obviously has the connection of more material wealth/material "well being"?
I should qualify this by saying that I work with a company that manages benefits for other companies: my current job is as a team manager, where I work directly with client companies to ensure that their employees have no issues with their medical/dental/vision/welfare benefits. A promotion means that I would get more difficult clients (i.e., clients who have more issues that need to be resolved/corrected), which is something that I am currently doing. I have been looking forward to such a promotion for a while, but as I have returned more to Zen, I see where it can be problematic. I wouldn't refuse it if is is offered to me, but would it be wrong to ask for a promotion if one is not offered?
Similarly, my current position has over the years brought me to a point where I have developed some anxiety/slight panic disorder (due to the near constant stress). Would it be similarly "wrong" by the precepts to look for a different (and higher paying) position in the company, if it helped to reduce that stress and make me healthier overall? I'm looking at applying for a position that would allow me to work from home more: working from home, I have more sunlight, can be nearer my wife and dogs (all excellent Zen teachers, by the way!), and tend to live more in the moment (i work from home two days week currently).
I gladly welcome all insights!