My understanding is this (speaking as a student)... The word MAHA can mean great, vast, or open, The word YANA means vehicle, way, or path. MAHAYANA is the great open way. This great way emerged from the heart of compassion, the realization that ending suffering means ending suffering for all beings, not just 'me'. I believe this was implicit in the earliest teachings and bound to unfold with time (according to tradition it was intended to, but that is another topic). The meaning of "saving all beings" has been finessed many ways over the centuries and can mean different things to different people.
My question is: What does Mahayana mean to you? I'm not looking for opinion on the reading of Sutra and so forth, but what it means in your own heart and mind. Thank you.
Sat today
My question is: What does Mahayana mean to you? I'm not looking for opinion on the reading of Sutra and so forth, but what it means in your own heart and mind. Thank you.
Sat today