Treeleaf 10th Anniversary in 2016 and Thank You to Jundo and Fugen!

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  • Graceleejenkins
    • Feb 2011
    • 434

    Treeleaf 10th Anniversary in 2016 and Thank You to Jundo and Fugen!

    Treeleaf will have its 10 year anniversary in 2016! I would like to find some way for us to celebrate and thank Jundo, the founder, and everyone else who has helped to make Treeleaf into what it is today. Has anything already been planned to celebrate and commemorate? If not, are there some ideas the Sangha would like to propose?

    Also, I have been thinking about how grateful I am to Treeleaf and its members for being a part of my life. Then with serendipity, during this week's Tea Party, we happened to discuss what makes the essence of Treeleaf. In other words, what could go away, and Treeleaf would still be Treeleaf? Each person has their own answer. My answer was that I enjoy every part of Treeleaf, but if you stripped each thing away one by one, as long as Jundo and Fugen were still here, in body, or spirit, Treeleaf would still be Treeleaf to me.

    So, with both these ideas in mind, I thought I better take this opportunity to thank Jundo and Fugen and let them know of my deep appreciation and love for them. Thank you! Gassho, Grace.

    Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!
  • Amelia
    • Jan 2010
    • 4980

    Treeleaf is part of almost everything for me. Perhaps a special Zazenkai or retreat will commemorate this well. Perhaps cookies. Thank you Grace, Jundo, Fugen, and all.

    Gassho, sat today
    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41208

      Thank you Grace. I am sure that Sitting Zazen will be involved in any Celebration.

      The original formulation was simply that there would be an online Zazen netcast each day for 9 years, where I would respond as I could to any email questions, maybe offer a little talk. We started that way, and then Treeleaf evolved into this, with all kinds of people sitting and a more interactive community. However, we all keep sitting each day, supporting each other.

      By the way, the original Vow was only to keep the online sitting going for 9 years. So, we are running over our lease on life. Need to consider whether to renew.

      Gassho, J



      • GregJanL
        • Jul 2015
        • 52

        I hope it is renewed, maybe Treeleaf can evolve into a online platform for self sufficient in life practice communities, maybe I'm over-enthusiastic on scope but Treeleaf was/is one of the main catalysts that enabled me to take Buddhism from a intellectual curiosity to something I want to do. Even if there is no renewal, I'm grateful for the contact I did get to help foster my own heart-mind.

        Once I do finish my own reposturing at least in relation to shikantaza meditation I do hope to be available for at least some portion if not the whole of a anniversary sitting session.



        Sent from my ALCATEL ONETOUCH P310A using Tapatalk
        “A fine line separates the weary recluse from the fearful hermit. Finer still is the line between hermit and bitter misanthrope.” - Dean Koontz


        • Tb
          • Jan 2008
          • 3186


          Thank you.
          This would not be
          possible without any of you.

          Originally posted by Graceleejenkins
          Treeleaf will have its 10 year anniversary in 2016! I would like to find some way for us to celebrate and thank Jundo, the founder, and everyone else who has helped to make Treeleaf into what it is today. Has anything already been planned to celebrate and commemorate? If not, are there some ideas the Sangha would like to propose?

          Nothing really planned as far as i know, but looking forward to hear what people say..

          Originally posted by Graceleejenkins
          Also, I have been thinking about how grateful I am to Treeleaf and its members for being a part of my life. Then with serendipity, during this week's Tea Party, we happened to discuss what makes the essence of Treeleaf. In other words, what could go away, and Treeleaf would still be Treeleaf? Each person has their own answer. My answer was that I enjoy every part of Treeleaf, but if you stripped each thing away one by one, as long as Jundo and Fugen were still here, in body, or spirit, Treeleaf would still be Treeleaf to me.

          For me, Treeleaf is Treeleaf because of the people and interactions, the practice we have here, without that there would just be... nothingness?
          So, thank you, thank you for your practice.


          Life is our temple and its all good practice


          • Jika
            • Jun 2014
            • 1337

            I do not really know about the start of Treeleaf (maybe another occasion to make a video, how things came together??), the moving from there to here and so on.

            But since this professional promo video by the East Bay Meditation Center, I've been thinking about what Treeleaf stands for or should be presented as standing for.
            For me, Jundo and many of the ordained and lay Sangha members I feel a connection with are Treeleaf, and the openness to people all over the world (provided they can access this technically and in language). Moreover, it is my Sangha because it has less barriers for people with health difficulties, restricted mobility or complicated work schedules.

            On the other hand, if for some who do not know Treeleaf, we are the nutcases, would it be wise to emphasize that Treeleaf's main Bodhisattva project (in my view) is reaching out to, well, the nutcases, the bedridden, the people living in remote areas or working impossible schedules...?

            Being open and welcoming to everyone, if they could and do attend a local zendo too or for some reason are not able to, this is what makes the great mixture of Treeleaf for me.

            Thank you all for that.
            Deep bows.


            治 Ji
            花 Ka


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41208

              Of course, that Vow will be renewed for another 9 years!

              Gassho, J

              Last edited by Jundo; 07-27-2015, 11:27 AM.


              • Troy
                • Sep 2013
                • 1318

                Thank you Jundo and all the priest for being great teachers. Not only in words but in actions in the Sangha. I appreciate all the lay people for practicing and making this Sangha possible. Deepest bows to all



                • Joyo

                  Originally posted by Jundo
                  Of course, that Vow will be renewed for another 9 years!

                  Gassho, J

                  I am happy about that!

                  I too am so grateful for Treeleaf, Jundo, the priests, and all the people that practice here. I have learned so much in the 2 yrs I've been here, and it has been so beneficial to my life. Thank you to all that make Treeleaf what it is.

                  Many bows to you all

                  sat today


                  • Yugen

                    Originally posted by Joyo
                    I am happy about that!

                    I too am so grateful for Treeleaf, Jundo, the priests, and all the people that practice here. I have learned so much in the 2 yrs I've been here, and it has been so beneficial to my life. Thank you to all that make Treeleaf what it is.

                    Many bows to you all

                    sat today
                    I am grateful to all of you - all who practice and have practiced, and those who have yet to discover Treeleaf. You give this place life.

                    Deep bows



                    • Mp

                      Originally posted by Yugen
                      I am grateful to all of you - all who practice and have practiced, and those who have yet to discover Treeleaf. You give this place life.
                      Yes, I agree 100% and do spread the love, thank you everyone! =)




                      • Ansan

                        Ten Years! In some lives, that is a lifetime. In mine, TreeLeaf is my lifeline. If not for TreeLeaf and Jundo, I would not have been able to find myself buried in my own confusion and lack of resources. I am so very grateful and I honor everything that appears here from the Sangha to the priests, to its brave founder and our teacher, Jundo. I have only had access to this wonderful community for a few months, but it honestly has changed my life. Thank you everyone. Celebration is in order certainly for the decade of love but also for its support of our community headed by wisdom and compassion, our basic words of continuity.




                        • broahes
                          • Jul 2015
                          • 97

                          I am pleased to hear that Tree Leaf will be here in the years to come, as I have just found you all.

                          I am deeply grateful for the chance to practice with others here, as it is only possible for me to attend a Zen Center only a few times a year. Thank you all for what you do to bring life to this Sangha. I look forward to getting to know all of you in the future.

                          Brooks sat today.
                          "The victorious ones have said that emptiness is the relinquishing of all views. For whomever emptiness is a view, that one has achieved nothing." - Nagarjuna


                          • Doshin
                            • May 2015
                            • 2621

                            Ten Years! Wish I had found you a long time ago .. But better late than never. As a recent sangha member I have found folks to be helpful and supportive, Thank You. The Hangout sits have allowed me to consistently sit with others, that is a great blessing. I know not the history but I much appreciate the creativity and work that went into building this opportunity for so many of us.

                            And I very much share the joy Joyo expressed that you will continue, as I will with you.


                            sat to day


                            • Nengyo
                              • May 2012
                              • 668

                              Originally posted by Graceleejenkins
                              My answer was that I enjoy every part of Treeleaf, but if you stripped each thing away one by one, as long as Jundo and Fugen were still here, in body, or spirit, Treeleaf would still be Treeleaf to me.

                              Yes, you need Jundo and Fugen for sure. And probably Dosho and Yugen and Kyonin too. Shingen, Sekishi, Joyo, and Shokai would be really nice. Also Rich, Raindrop, Danny B, Ishin, Nindo, Diazan, rculver, myosha, Jishin as well... damn it, all of treeleaf is what makes treeleaf to me.

                              Originally posted by Jundo

                              By the way, the original Vow was only to keep the online sitting going for 9 years. So, we are running over our lease on life. Need to consider whether to renew.

                              Gassho, J

                              I think after 10 years we go on the moment to moment plan.

                              If I'm already enlightened why the hell is this so hard?

