When I feel sadness and sorrow, it feels as though I walk a path of healing that others have started from their own suffering. Stone by stone, they set a path down. Quotes, peaceful thoughts, ways to heal, each a precious stone that my feet walk on. In turn, I can take my own suffering and add to this path to help others.
I look at where I turn when life throws struggles my way....a dear friend who has shared similar struggles to my own, quotes and readings by Thich Nhat Hahn and Ben Connelly, and all the wonderful teachings that Jundo has posted. All of them, using their own struggles to set stones down on this path to healing.
sat today
I look at where I turn when life throws struggles my way....a dear friend who has shared similar struggles to my own, quotes and readings by Thich Nhat Hahn and Ben Connelly, and all the wonderful teachings that Jundo has posted. All of them, using their own struggles to set stones down on this path to healing.

sat today