Buddhist Fund for Burma's Rohingyas

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41218

    Buddhist Fund for Burma's Rohingyas


    We have had threads before on the abuse and ethnic cleansing of Muslim minorities in Burma and surrounding countries by majority Buddhist groups (sometimes led by monks). I have written on this:

    All genocide and ethnic cleansing, religious strife and anger and violence is to be condemned. End of story. We should all live together, and this world has space and resources sufficient for all if we wisely share ... Jews and Palestinians, Sunni and Shi'ite, Catholic and Protestant, Serbs and Croats and all the rest.

    Depending on who the "Buddhists" are, "Buddhism" is no less free of such abuses than Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or Judaism. In my understanding, in South and Southeast Asia, there are great and historical ethnic tensions as in so many parts of the world. In Thailand too, some Muslims sometimes attack Buddhists, some Buddhists attack Muslims ... Sad and to be condemned, no matter who is on the receiving end of the hate. ... However, let me say that, perhaps, the "Buddhists" of many places in Asia are "Buddhist" in the very same way that folks are any religion anywhere. The Buddhist priests of these areas ... especially the rank and file ... are typically illiterate or barely educated farmers and peasants themselves, not necessarily educated even in "Buddhism" beyond surface beliefs and practices. ... Religion becomes all mixed together with "our people" "our tribe" "our beliefs".

    More here ...
    For those who do not know the situation, recent summaries ...

    UNENDING PLIGHT OF ROHINGYAThey have been described as the most persecuted people on the planet and “virtually friendless" by the United Nations. They have l...

    Now, this call ...


    for the ROHINGYA of BURMA

    Dear Buddhist Colleagues and Friends,

    We are sending you this request to help with a BUDDHIST EMERGENCY FUND for the ROHINGYA of BURMA

    The Rohingya, an ethnic minority group of the Muslim faith living in Burma, face a dire situation, requiring immediate attention and support. Described by the United Nations as the most persecuted minority on earth, they been denied citizenship, health care, education, and adequate food while forced to live in harsh and restrictive Apartheid-like conditions. One hundred and forty thousand have been forced into squalid camps in western Rakhine State that have been called open-air prisons.

    Many thousands have tried to escape by putting their lives into the hands of human traffickers and heading out to sea. Untold numbers of Rohingya have now been abandoned and left floating in rickety boats without food, water or medical care. Governments in the region and the world have refused to launch a search and rescue mission to save them and some navies have even been pulling these desperate people further out to sea.

    Because this refugee nightmare is in part due to the policies of Buddhist countries, principally Burma and also Thailand as well as Malaysia and Indonesia, it seems especially important for Buddhists around the world to visibly respond according to the central Buddhist values of compassion and respect for all beings.

    This appeal is also inspired by the first Buddhist leadership conference at the White House that was this month. 120 abbots and diverse leaders from temples and centers of all nationalities and traditions across the U.S. came together to bring Buddhist wisdom and compassionate concern to such problems as climate change, racism, the plight of the Rohingya and relief for Nepal.

    Please read the appeal below and send it as widely as you can to the members of your own community and to the leaders of other Buddhist communities whom you know.

    We are grateful for your help in this critical time.

    Jack Kornfield – Spirit Rock Center
    Bhikkhu Bodhi – Buddhist Global Relief
    William Aiken – Soka Gakkai International
    Tara Brach – Insight Meditation Community of Washington
    Lama Surya Das – Dzogchen Foundation
    Alan Senauke – International Network of Engaged Buddhists
    Taigen Dan Leighton – Ancient Dragon Zen Gate
    Larry Yang – Founder and Senior Teacher, East Bay Meditation Center
    Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams – Sensei Founder Emeritus and Vision Fellow Transformative Change
    Rev. Dr. T. Kenjitsu Nakagaki – President, Buddhist Council of New York 
    PS - The Rohingya are a minority ethnic group of the Muslim faith living in Rakhine State, Burma. Although they have resided there for generations, the Myanmar government refuses to recognize them as citizens and has been subjecting them to a campaign of ethnic cleansing. The Rohingya have been evicted from their lands, required to pay arbitrary taxes and work at forced labor. They have been banned from traveling, getting married without permission or even having more than two children. Since 2012, many have been killed by mobs of Buddhists often incited by Buddhist monks. Now hundreds of thousands have been herded into camps, where they are harshly treated and denied basic human resources such as adequate food and medical care. 

    for the ROHINGYA of BURMA

    Please stand with us and join thousands of Buddhists across the West in responding to the plight of the Rohingya refugees from Burma who are lost at sea after fleeing horrific Apartheid-like conditions and what the US Holocaust Museum has described as “early warning signs of genocide”. Over one hundred and forty thousand have been forced into squalid, inhumane camps that have been described as open-air prisons.

    Many thousand Rohingya have been abandoned without food on rickety boats floating on the Andaman Sea and Malacca Straits. Governments in the region and the world have refused to launch a search and rescue mission to save them and some navies have even been pulling these desperate people further out to sea. Pressure on governments to act – including the United States – have been showing initial results but the situation remains dire and a concerted effort is needed to save the many thousands whose lives are at extreme risk.

    Your donation will do three things:

    1) Help get immediate food, water and medicine to refugees on the boats, and after this to those in the camps;
    2) Bring skillful pressure on Burma and neighboring Buddhist and Muslim countries to respond humanely to the immediate crises and save the thousands of Rohingya whose lives are at immediate risk; and
    3) Address the root cause of this crisis - the attacks on and systematic persecution of the Rohingya in Burma – through a comprehensive strategic advocacy campaign.

    It will show the world the true values of respect for human life, compassion and loving kindness that are at the heart of Buddhist teachings.

    The fund is administered by United To End Genocide – an organization that has proven to be very effective in shining light on the plight of the Rohingya; generating support through skillful advocacy; and building the capacity - while coordinating the efforts - of individuals and organizations who are making a difference within Burma, the region and the world.


  • Mp

    Thank you Jundo ... this is so sad. I will do what I can, right now I am sending my love and metta to ALL suffering directly or indirectly from anger, hatred, and delusion.


    #sattoday and will sit for ALL


    • Sekishi
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Apr 2013
      • 5673

      Thank you Jundo. This situation eats at me, and any little thing we can do to help is appreciated.

      Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


      • Myosha
        • Mar 2013
        • 2974

        Metta to all.

        Myosha sat today
        "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


        • Kyonin
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Oct 2010
          • 6752

          Hi Jundo,

          Thanks for posting this. Will help with what I can.

          And I can also sit and chant for metta to all suffering from ethnic hate.


          Hondō Kyōnin
          奔道 協忍


          • Anshu Bryson
            • Aug 2014
            • 566

            Done! Thanks for the opportunity, Jundo.


            -sat today-


            • Roland
              • Mar 2014
              • 232




              • Meian
                • Apr 2015
                • 1712

                Hello all,

                I know this is an "older" thread, but the genocide and suffering of the Rohingyas is still a very real problem, and the person/people responsible for the suffering have not been brought to justice. I do some advocacy work on Facebook to educate about Islam, and one topic I often respond with is that "this is not the face of Buddhism" regarding how some Muslims feel about the suffering of the Rohingyas.

                Politics aside, I had a former contact who is Rohingya and he heavily documented incidents, news, and conflicts in his community - as well as his exile. This is how I know that it is still going on.

                I hope you don't mind that I am bumping this thread - I advocate for and defend Buddhism as well as Islam and all religions, and wars like this, there is no good reason for.


                Originally posted by Jundo

                We have had threads before on the abuse and ethnic cleansing of Muslim minorities in Burma and surrounding countries by majority Buddhist groups (sometimes led by monks). I have written on this:

                For those who do not know the situation, recent summaries ...

                UNENDING PLIGHT OF ROHINGYAThey have been described as the most persecuted people on the planet and “virtually friendless" by the United Nations. They have l...

                After deadly violence between Buddhists and Muslims, Dateline asks if mo

                Now, this call ...


                for the ROHINGYA of BURMA

                Dear Buddhist Colleagues and Friends,

                We are sending you this request to help with a BUDDHIST EMERGENCY FUND for the ROHINGYA of BURMA

                The Rohingya, an ethnic minority group of the Muslim faith living in Burma, face a dire situation, requiring immediate attention and support. Described by the United Nations as the most persecuted minority on earth, they been denied citizenship, health care, education, and adequate food while forced to live in harsh and restrictive Apartheid-like conditions. One hundred and forty thousand have been forced into squalid camps in western Rakhine State that have been called open-air prisons.

                Many thousands have tried to escape by putting their lives into the hands of human traffickers and heading out to sea. Untold numbers of Rohingya have now been abandoned and left floating in rickety boats without food, water or medical care. Governments in the region and the world have refused to launch a search and rescue mission to save them and some navies have even been pulling these desperate people further out to sea.

                Because this refugee nightmare is in part due to the policies of Buddhist countries, principally Burma and also Thailand as well as Malaysia and Indonesia, it seems especially important for Buddhists around the world to visibly respond according to the central Buddhist values of compassion and respect for all beings.

                This appeal is also inspired by the first Buddhist leadership conference at the White House that was this month. 120 abbots and diverse leaders from temples and centers of all nationalities and traditions across the U.S. came together to bring Buddhist wisdom and compassionate concern to such problems as climate change, racism, the plight of the Rohingya and relief for Nepal.

                Please read the appeal below and send it as widely as you can to the members of your own community and to the leaders of other Buddhist communities whom you know.

                We are grateful for your help in this critical time.

                Jack Kornfield – Spirit Rock Center
                Bhikkhu Bodhi – Buddhist Global Relief
                William Aiken – Soka Gakkai International
                Tara Brach – Insight Meditation Community of Washington
                Lama Surya Das – Dzogchen Foundation
                Alan Senauke – International Network of Engaged Buddhists
                Taigen Dan Leighton – Ancient Dragon Zen Gate
                Larry Yang – Founder and Senior Teacher, East Bay Meditation Center
                Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams – Sensei Founder Emeritus and Vision Fellow Transformative Change
                Rev. Dr. T. Kenjitsu Nakagaki – President, Buddhist Council of New York 
                PS - The Rohingya are a minority ethnic group of the Muslim faith living in Rakhine State, Burma. Although they have resided there for generations, the Myanmar government refuses to recognize them as citizens and has been subjecting them to a campaign of ethnic cleansing. The Rohingya have been evicted from their lands, required to pay arbitrary taxes and work at forced labor. They have been banned from traveling, getting married without permission or even having more than two children. Since 2012, many have been killed by mobs of Buddhists often incited by Buddhist monks. Now hundreds of thousands have been herded into camps, where they are harshly treated and denied basic human resources such as adequate food and medical care. 

                for the ROHINGYA of BURMA

                Please stand with us and join thousands of Buddhists across the West in responding to the plight of the Rohingya refugees from Burma who are lost at sea after fleeing horrific Apartheid-like conditions and what the US Holocaust Museum has described as “early warning signs of genocide”. Over one hundred and forty thousand have been forced into squalid, inhumane camps that have been described as open-air prisons.

                Many thousand Rohingya have been abandoned without food on rickety boats floating on the Andaman Sea and Malacca Straits. Governments in the region and the world have refused to launch a search and rescue mission to save them and some navies have even been pulling these desperate people further out to sea. Pressure on governments to act – including the United States – have been showing initial results but the situation remains dire and a concerted effort is needed to save the many thousands whose lives are at extreme risk.

                Your donation will do three things:

                1) Help get immediate food, water and medicine to refugees on the boats, and after this to those in the camps;
                2) Bring skillful pressure on Burma and neighboring Buddhist and Muslim countries to respond humanely to the immediate crises and save the thousands of Rohingya whose lives are at immediate risk; and
                3) Address the root cause of this crisis - the attacks on and systematic persecution of the Rohingya in Burma – through a comprehensive strategic advocacy campaign.

                It will show the world the true values of respect for human life, compassion and loving kindness that are at the heart of Buddhist teachings.

                The fund is administered by United To End Genocide – an organization that has proven to be very effective in shining light on the plight of the Rohingya; generating support through skillful advocacy; and building the capacity - while coordinating the efforts - of individuals and organizations who are making a difference within Burma, the region and the world.


                鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                visiting Unsui
                Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


                • Gokai
                  • Feb 2016
                  • 209

                  Thank you Jundo. This situation eats at me too.

                  Gassho, David

                  David Cravidão Lopes Pereira


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41218

                    Thank you for bumping this Kim.

                    In any religion, good doctrine can be twisted to fit all manner of ugly situations. Buddhism is not exception although, fortunately, this kind of thing is relatively rare.

                    However, we have to take responsibility for it too.

                    Gassho, Jundo

                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41218

                      A little bump for this, with more terrible news of ethnic cleansing of the primarily Muslim Rohingya by Buddhist Myanmar, and other terrible Muslim-Buddhist conflict in South Asia ...

                      I remind folks of this ...

                      All genocide and ethnic cleansing, religious strife and anger and violence is to be condemned. End of story. We should all live together, and this world has space and resources sufficient for all if we wisely share ... Jews and Palestinians, Sunni and Shi'ite, Catholic and Protestant, Serbs and Croats and all the rest.

                      Depending on who the "Buddhists" are, "Buddhism" is no less free of such abuses than Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or Judaism. In my understanding, in South and Southeast Asia, there are great and historical ethnic tensions as in so many parts of the world. In Thailand too, some Muslims sometimes attack Buddhists, some Buddhists attack Muslims ... Sad and to be condemned, no matter who is on the receiving end of the hate. ... However, let me say that, perhaps, the "Buddhists" of many places in Asia are "Buddhist" in the very same way that folks are any religion anywhere. The Buddhist priests of these areas ... especially the rank and file ... are typically illiterate or barely educated farmers and peasants themselves, not necessarily educated even in "Buddhism" beyond surface beliefs and practices. ... Religion becomes all mixed together with "our people" "our tribe" "our beliefs".

                      Tens of thousands of refugees are trapped on the border into Bangladesh without basic food and medicine amid operations by the Myanmar military, which have already killed hundreds.

                      Satellite photos released by Human Rights Watch Saturday showed what they are desperate to escape -- entire villages torched to the ground in clashes between Myanmar's armed forces and local militants.
                      More than 73,000 Rohingyas have now fled across the border since August 25, the United Nations said Sunday.
                      But in northern Rakhine State there are reports of at least another 30,000 Rohingyas trapped in hilly terrain without basic supplies of food, water or medicine, according to activists.
                      The Rohingya, a Muslim minority in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar, are considered some of the most persecuted people in the world. Myanmar, also known as Burma, considers them Bangladeshi and Bangladesh says they're Burmese.


                      The trapped refugees are just some of at least 100,000 Rohingyas who have been forced to flee their homes since August 25, after armed forces began "clearance operations" across Rakhine State.
                      The government blames "terrorists" for starting the violence. Rohingya militants killed 12 security officers in border post attacks two weeks ago, according to state media, intensifying the latest crackdown.


                      "This new satellite imagery shows the total destruction of a Muslim village, and prompts serious concerns that the level of destruction in northern Rakhine state may be far worse than originally thought," Human Rights Watch deputy Asia director Phil Robertson said in a statement. ... "This is only one of 17 sites that we've located where burnings have taken place," Robertson said.


                      A separate outbreak of violence in 2016 saw 85,000 Rohingya fleeing across the border, bringing with them horrifying stories of rape, torture and murder inside Rakhine State
                      Some refugees who poured across the border into Bangladesh told CNN what they had witnessed since the latest crackdown began two weeks ago.
                      "They are beating us, shooting at us and hacking our people to death," Hamida Begum, a refugee who has left everything behind, told CNN.
                      "Many people were killed. Many women were raped and killed. We are very poor."

                      Tens of thousands of refugees are trapped on the border into Bangladesh without basic food and medicine amid operations by the Myanmar military, which have already killed hundreds.
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • David
                        • Jun 2017
                        • 52

                        I clicked on the link in the original post to donate, a "not found" message came up. The latest End Genocide front page update, that I could see, was June 2016. Would donating to another legitimate body aiding the Rohingya be as acceptable?
                        I yam what I yam, that's all that I yam.


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41218

                          Originally posted by David
                          I clicked on the link in the original post to donate, a "not found" message came up. The latest End Genocide front page update, that I could see, was June 2016. Would donating to another legitimate body aiding the Rohingya be as acceptable?
                          Hmmm. In that case, might I suggest Doctors Without Borders, a highly rated international charity. I believe that you can donate with a designation although, honestly, all their work worldwide is important.

                          Gassho, Jundo

                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • David
                            • Jun 2017
                            • 52

                            Thank you very much.


                            Sat today.
                            I yam what I yam, that's all that I yam.

