Dear all,
I will do my very best to offer some part of the retreat via G+. Our zazenkai will be held in an area with wifi. Other areas during outdoor practice may have spotty coverage. I will have my iPad with me so will see what we can do.
Kyotai, if I moved the retreat back one weekend to July 30 - August 2 would that make it possible for you to attend? I have to reserve campsites this week so let me know if this helps..... I can't go later in August due to sesshin and then family vacation.
Deep bows
I will do my very best to offer some part of the retreat via G+. Our zazenkai will be held in an area with wifi. Other areas during outdoor practice may have spotty coverage. I will have my iPad with me so will see what we can do.
Kyotai, if I moved the retreat back one weekend to July 30 - August 2 would that make it possible for you to attend? I have to reserve campsites this week so let me know if this helps..... I can't go later in August due to sesshin and then family vacation.
Deep bows