Who's coat is this jacket...

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  • dharmasponge
    • Oct 2013
    • 278

    Who's coat is this jacket...

    Hi everyone,

    I recall being on a walk with a Theravadin friend, a Bhikkhu of some years. We were discussing lots of different things eventually landing on traditions and methods. We agreed on some things and not on others, then, without any warning he stopped at the top of a hill we were on (the Blackdown Hills in Devon for those Brits reading this)....and he said pointing to the small villages below:-

    "...Tony....you, me and everyone down there....we're F**Ked..."

    We both laughed as I think I got it instantly.

    'I'....'me' cannot achieve anything - in fact 'I' am a part of the problem and cannot contribute an iota to the solution - for many reasons the main being 'I' doesn't exist in the way 'I' appear to 'me'......so 'I' am wasting 'my' time seeking enlightenment.

    What do 'you' think?
    Sat today
  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6991

    Hi Tony

    I agree. Seeking enlightenment is a waste of time. Zazen too. That said, I can't seem to stop doing the latter!

    On contributing to making things better, it is true that anything we build will be torn down, anyone we help will die and anything we say will be forgotten. However, I still think it is well worth reaching out a hand to anyone in need. Just good not to get attached to any idea of helper, helped or helping.

    Once we put all notions of getting somewhere or doing something down, then we can really start practicing. And walking the hills is as good a place as any. I hope you had a great view from up there!



    • Tobiishi
      • Jan 2009
      • 461

      Gassho to all...

      Am I wasting my time seeking enlightenment?

      Of course!

      Am I wasting my time seeking enlightenment?

      That I'm not so sure of...

      It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41217

        Whether "I" or no "I" (there is and there isn't), the one thing I am sure of is that most Zenny Mahayana folks (at least most that I know) tend to be a bit more optimistic on the human condition than that fellow. We might be "F**Ked" but we are also Okay from the start.

        The "F**Ked" only happens when, in our ignorance, we do not realize the "Okay" part and act accordingly! We can fix the situation. One aspect of "Okay" is to realize that there is not and never has been (and yet there is) an "I" to be "F**Ked" all along. Since one is enlightened from the start, there is nothing to attain ... but one must achieve realization that one has been "enlightened from the start", achieve what that means in one's bones, and achieve living accordingly.

        Otherwise, one is "F**Ked".

        Gassho, J
        Last edited by Jundo; 03-26-2015, 08:11 PM.


        • Daiyo
          • Jul 2014
          • 819

          Originally posted by Jundo
          Since one is enlightened from the start, there is nothing to attain ... but one must achieve realization that one has been "enlightened from the start", achieve what that means in one's bones, and achieve living accordingly.

          Otherwise, one is "F**Ked".

          Gassho, J
          And sadly, that is the most f**King difficult part!!

          Gassho, Daiyo



          • Kokuu
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Nov 2012
            • 6991

            And sadly, that is the most f**King difficult part!!
            Layman Pang was sitting in his thatched cottage one day [studying the sūtras]. "Difficult, difficult," he said; "like trying to scatter ten measures of sesame seed all over a tree."

            "Easy, easy," Mrs. Pang said; "like touching your feet to the ground when you get out of bed."

            "Neither difficult nor easy," said their daughter; "on the hundred grass tips, the great Masters' meaning."



            • Mp

              Originally posted by Jundo
              Whether "I" or no "I" (there is and there isn't), the one thing I am sure of is that most Zenny Mahayana folks (at least most that I know) tend to be a bit more optimistic on the human condition than that fellow. We might be "F**Ked" but we are also Okay from the start.

              The "F**Ked" only happens when, in our ignorance, we do not realize the "Okay" part and act accordingly! We can fix the situation. One aspect of "Okay" is to realize that there is not and never has been (and yet there is) an "I" to be "F**Ked" all along. Since one is enlightened from the start, there is nothing to attain ... but one must achieve realization that one has been "enlightened from the start", achieve what that means in one's bones, and achieve living accordingly.

              Otherwise, one is "F**Ked".

              Gassho, J
              Awesome explanation!




              • Kyonin
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Oct 2010
                • 6752


                In my limited experience, trying to achieve things only creates craving for the outcome.

                One just have to do one thing at a time, one day at a time. Without wanting and knowing everything is as it has to be, that everything has a place in the universe. Who knows, maybe after some years you can look back and see how long you have gone.

                So yes, I agree with Jundo. You can only be f.. up when you can't let go of wanting to achieve.

                But as usual, I might be totally wrong


                Hondō Kyōnin
                奔道 協忍


                • Jishin
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 4823


                  Enlightenment means...? It's a bull shit word.

                  Chop wood, carry water, sit Zazen. This is real.

                  Gassho, Jishin, _/st\_


                  • Entai
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 451

                    If "I" ever attain "enlightenment" where should I keep it?

                    "trying to shovel smoke with a pitchfork in the wind "- John Lennon

                    Gassho, Entai

                    泰 Entai (Bill)
                    "this is not a dress rehearsal"


                    • Myosha
                      • Mar 2013
                      • 2974


                      "trying to shovel smoke with a pitchfork in the wind "- John Lennon

                      Made the day. Thank you.

                      Myosha sat today
                      "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"

