Identity transforming/dropping

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  • Jishin
    • Oct 2012
    • 4823

    Hey Alan,

    Most physicians I know despise admin roles and rather take care of patients. But somebody has to take one for the team and jump on the admin grenade. I am sure your colleagues appreciate your efforts.

    Gassho, Jishin, _/st\_


    • Ongen
      • Jan 2014
      • 786

      Thank you for sharing, Alan, this is very recognizable indeed.


      Ongen / Vincent
      Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


      • Troy
        • Sep 2013
        • 1318

        Thank you for sharing. Honestly, I do not like my job. I can relate to much of what you said. I am still struggling with how to deal with it. It causes me a lot of anxiety and depression. The people are great, but our company is growing so fast, we can not hire people fast enough. We are all over worked and stressed. How I deal with it comes and goes. I try to treat it as Samu and remind myself that I do it for the benefit of my family which helps. Other times, I give in to the depression and anxiety.



        • BrianW
          • Oct 2008
          • 511

          Just a bit of advice, which you probably know already but....if your anxiety and depression become an issue do not hesitate to seek out treatment. Treatment options are not perfect...I well know as I have a PhD in experimental psych, but for some it does help and for some a life saver. I guess I'll do a bit of a soap box statement here for anyone reading the post. Psychology and psychiatry are very...very far away from knowing the exact mechanisms of mental disorders and, hence, far away from solutions. I say this because often we hear in the media such simple explanations for very complex problems. Some people go into treatment and become disappointed...usually in themselves for lack of dramatic improvement. Nevertheless, for some treatment is a life saver...for others it helps them at least "maintain." Lots of personal experience as well. OK off my soapbox.


          • Troy
            • Sep 2013
            • 1318

            Identity transforming/dropping

            Originally posted by BrianW
            Just a bit of advice, which you probably know already but....if your anxiety and depression become an issue do not hesitate to seek out treatment. Treatment options are not perfect...I well know as I have a PhD in experimental psych, but for some it does help and for some a life saver. I guess I'll do a bit of a soap box statement here for anyone reading the post. Psychology and psychiatry are very...very far away from knowing the exact mechanisms of mental disorders and, hence, far away from solutions. I say this because often we hear in the media such simple explanations for very complex problems. Some people go into treatment and become disappointed...usually in themselves for lack of dramatic improvement. Nevertheless, for some treatment is a life saver...for others it helps them at least "maintain." Lots of personal experience as well. OK off my soapbox.
            Hi Brian,

            Thank you for your comments Yes, I am in the care of a doctor. I was diagnosed with bipolar II by one doctor because I had a manic episode after taking a prescribed antidepressant. Normally, I do not have manic episodes so he diagnosed me with bipolar II. My major battle though has been with chronic depression. I had another doctor diagnose me with dysthymia with regular episodes of major depression. My current doctor does not know so she just says I have a mood disorder, lol! My meds help me maintain, but I am still vulnerable during times of increased stress. In the last few years, I have become better at managing my condition by reaching out for additional help when needed. Also if they know it or not, this Sangha has been healing for me. It really helps to have a listening ear every now and then The practice itself has had great benefits for me as well.

            Last edited by Troy; 01-29-2015, 08:20 PM.


            • BrianW
              • Oct 2008
              • 511

              Glad to hear Treeleaf is making a difference! Diagnosis can be a real "can of worms" and with the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) there has been even more controversy. All the best and never hesitate to look for support at Treeleaf!


              • Troy
                • Sep 2013
                • 1318

                Thank you Brian!



                • Shinzan
                  • Nov 2013
                  • 338

                  Thanks for your insight, Alan. I very much connect with the metaphor of surfing --- surfing the mindstream, surfing circumstances, surfing identity, surfing the energy of my day and of the energy between each person I meet and me. Sweet!
                  Surf's UP!!!
                  _/\_ Shinzan

                  (no where near an ocean)

