I have been wearing my rakusu to sit since the Jukai ceremony. Per previous discussions on ceremony and ritual, I think that the ritual of reciting the 'Takkesage' verse and putting on the rakusu has had an effect (a positive effect) on my sitting. Not in a woowoo/magic way (), but as a sort of mental preparation, relaxation, centering, etc. (still hard to put a finger on exactly what is going on; early days yet! Harder still as I am trying not to think about it!! ), before the sitting even begins.
sat today
I have been wearing my rakusu to sit since the Jukai ceremony. Per previous discussions on ceremony and ritual, I think that the ritual of reciting the 'Takkesage' verse and putting on the rakusu has had an effect (a positive effect) on my sitting. Not in a woowoo/magic way (), but as a sort of mental preparation, relaxation, centering, etc. (still hard to put a finger on exactly what is going on; early days yet! Harder still as I am trying not to think about it!! ), before the sitting even begins.
sat today