Zazen Logistics

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  • delphizealot
    • Oct 2014
    • 78

    Zazen Logistics

    I know from past experience that I need a schedule for my zazen. Otherwise, I sit when I feel like it and my feelings aren't a great foundation for anything. Mornings seem like the best odds of finding anything resembling quiet, so I'm trying that for now.

    I sat this morning after my coffee. Felt a bit jittery and like my arms and my mudra were trying to choke the life out of something. Strange how I never noticed that. Maybe I'll sit tomorrow before my coffee and see if I can stay awake? Any recommendations?

    I suppose what I'm asking is if there are some good practices as to when to sit zazen and what to bring to the cushion? I'm sure I received advice in the past, but I can't remember and I'm returning to this practice with a good serving of doubt and confusion. Part of me knows I should approach this with a non-discriminating mind and just sit, regardless (regardful?) but I think there's some work to do if I'm really going to just sit without fooling myself.

  • Kyotai

    Hi Dan

    For me, zazen in the morning first thing works best, or in the evening a few hours after dinner.

    Gassho, Shawn


    • Jishin
      • Oct 2012
      • 4823

      Zazen Logistics

      Hi Dan,

      In my case Zazen comes naturally about 6 AM. So I go with it at 6.

      Gassho, Jishin.


      • Jika
        • Jun 2014
        • 1337

        Hi, Dan,

        and welcome from me too.

        I recently asked something similar (my problem more how to stay awake...), and people gave great advice:
        - some people have coffee before sitting
        - if you find that it disagrees with you, I've tried (green) tea
        - a cup of warm or cold water can be refreshing without making jittery

        I also find it helpful to have a routine, which is in the mornings and evenings for me.
        It helps me to stick with sitting, and things are nicer and calmer that way (if circumstances allow).

        Others have answered they use their car as a quiet place to sit.

        It should feel right for you, and encourage regular practice.

        What to bring to the cushion? Self-compassion comes to my mind.

        Allow yourself to be how and who you are right now, with tension, with doubts.
        There's some work to do. There's no work to do.
        Like Fugen says: It's all good practice.

        治 Ji
        花 Ka


        • Kyonin
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Oct 2010
          • 6752

          Hi Dan!

          For me mornings are fantastic in this super noisy neighborhood.

          I always have a nice cup of coffee before. Then I sit.

          Now during Ango, afternoons are great for practice. There are trucks and cars passing endlessly in front on my house, there's some babies crying nearby and a lot of different types of music playing all around. Again. I just sit and melt with all the noise at once, as one.

          As to your ideal time of the day, just experiment and see what works. Just remember that part of our practice is to sit with what is.

          Let us know if you need help.

          Hondō Kyōnin
          奔道 協忍


          • Joyo

            Yes, wonderful what Kyonin said "sit with what is"

            If you don't like the coffee before zazen, I would suggest room temperature water, with 1/2 a lemon squeezed into it. This is how I start my mornings. I also add 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar. This is very refreshing.

            As for when to sit, I do yoga in the mornings, then sit zazen in the evening. On the weekdays, when I have a day off from work, I sit zazen in the mornings when my kids are in school. I also do mini-zazen sits during the day, at work, in the car etc. etc. to help me stay focused.



            • delphizealot
              • Oct 2014
              • 78

              Thank you. If my future self is reading this, please take this and the above as a reminder: just sit. Really.


              • Ugrok
                • Sep 2014
                • 323

                I sit immediately when i wake up, and just before going to bed at night, no matter what time it is. I like it this way.


                • RichardH
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 2800

                  For me the logistics of where and when to sit have become less important as the nature of the sitting has changed. When I first learned to sit it was about doing a practice to achieve a special state of absorption and peace. As long as going to the cushion was seen as having to get somewhere, it could feel like a chore. As practice changed to sitting in simple awakeness without picking and choosing, it was no longer a chore, it's a relief, like putting down a burden. The only time it is heavy is when I am physically tired, then everything but getting some sleep is a chore.



                  • delphizealot
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 78

                    I can relate to the sense of it being a chore. Many of the thoughts that arose this morning had to do with "how long until this is over?" and"what if I missed the timer bell and I wind up sitting here for hours?!?" and so on. It was definitely less tense without the coffee, though perhaps part of me was eager to 'be done' so I could brew the cup I have now. The coffee is delicious; the craving, not so much. Even sipping the coffee, I find myself thinking about the work for today and the logistics of getting there.


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41216

                      Hi Dan,

                      Welcome again!

                      Please be sure to sit with our Beginners (We're All Always Beginners) Series, as it will introduce the way of radical non-attaining Shikantaza we emphasize around here. which may solve, resolve and dissolve a lot of your problems with struggling to sit.

                      A SERIES OF TALKS FOR NEW FOLKS

                      Gassho, Jundo
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • delphizealot
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 78

                        Thank you Jundo, I have started watching. I liked the blender. [Maybe I'm addicted to the blender, as crazy as that sounds?]

                        I'll admit though that I felt a little silly sitting in my desk chair so as to sit along with the video. I'm not sure why, seeing as how I spend a huge chunk of my life sitting in this chair, with my profession so focused around the computer. I'm trying to 'just sit' more in my daily work, seeing as how I'm already sitting anyway. It's all a bit strange for me still. I used to go to a weekly zazenkai, with the zazen, heart sutra chanting, prostrations and work practice after, so this is different (also not different?) I do miss some of that, so I'll have to figure out how to participate with this mode of presence.

                        Thank you for helping to build this community. Having a way to stay connected with other practitioners is very valuable.


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41216

                          Originally posted by delphizealot
                          I used to go to a weekly zazenkai, with the zazen, heart sutra chanting, prostrations and work practice after, so this is different (also not different?) I do miss some of that, so I'll have to figure out how to participate with this mode of presence.
                          Hi Dan,

                          We have that too, among our other non-doings around here. Pull up a Zafu and join us any time.

                          Gassho, Jundo
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • pinoybuddhist
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 462

                            For me it's sit first, coffee and everything else afterwards, so that I can get it done before the kids wake up.



                            • Shinyo

                              I've had an opposite experience. However, my situation is likely due to my shiftwork. I rarely have the house to myself and often have distractions. About the time I think I have a schedule or routine, something changes. This came very clear to me while sitting this morning. Toward the end of my sit, the boys came home making a lot of noise. This is fine. It is a lesson in impermanence. I realize that it is better to do Zazen with distractions than to wait or hope for the ideal situation. Also came to mind that a local sangha that I have sat with meets near a busy street. Is it better to find a quieter place? Maybe. But maybe it is just as well to sit whenever possible. For the most part, I've given up trying to schedule Zazen. Again, this is only my situation.

