Hello everyone,
Would it be fair to say that Shikantaza has the same outcome as other meditation focused schools of Buddhism? Please differentiate for a second between searching for goals and why we sit.
For instance I was reading recently how awareness of the body drops away after a certain amount of time whilst practicing Vipassana (Goenka style). I find this is a natural occurrence when practicing Zazen.
I know in Zen we don't look for results (I actually think it's the same in Theravada) but I suspect the Theravadins discuss the outcomes of practice more than Zen practitioners.
I have just become more aware of boundaries fading of late.
Would it be fair to say that Shikantaza has the same outcome as other meditation focused schools of Buddhism? Please differentiate for a second between searching for goals and why we sit.
For instance I was reading recently how awareness of the body drops away after a certain amount of time whilst practicing Vipassana (Goenka style). I find this is a natural occurrence when practicing Zazen.
I know in Zen we don't look for results (I actually think it's the same in Theravada) but I suspect the Theravadins discuss the outcomes of practice more than Zen practitioners.
I have just become more aware of boundaries fading of late.