Ok. I'd just like to continue the conversation, and start by talking as a painter.
I'll start by addressing Daitetsu's assertion that the "default state" of a newborn is to be an atheist.
Atheism is a view dependent on the view of Theism. The "default state" is not a view of God, or a view of no God. No view of a presence, No view of an absence. This "default state" of no view is also just sitting. If I am an Atheist or Theist while sitting, then something is off. Even when engaging in views and taking an atheistic position, or a view of God, that "default state" of no-view is the heart.
With that in mind...here is a God view, a way of seeing things ...maybe it could be called God is a painted Rice Cake?
The experience of boundless, spontaneous, intelligence comes quite naturally in Creative practice. When there is serious sustained focus on the creative process, it involves letting go completely into this intelligence. It is a total surrender to the process. "I" cannot do it. When there is full creative flight, there is a self-same perfection that is all-pervasive. Self-same perfection is the life of the artistic eye. It is the eye of absolute beauty and perfection of the whole universe as it is. There is vast spontaneous intelligence and an underlying quality of fierce peace. There is also a clear sense of diamond hard space, space that is indestructible, in which everything that manifests is alive and vivid, radiant and transparent. It is the field in which we "live and move and have our being"... call it God, Self, Buddha, Life or whatever. It is also empty, an experience... and should not be clung too. This is one way that it is possible to play in the field of God, Love God, and let it go. No problem.
I know other painters who experience this field of creativity, and some who don't... and of course it isn't limited to Artists, it can be tasted when many kinds of creativity are practice with passion and commitment.
I'll start by addressing Daitetsu's assertion that the "default state" of a newborn is to be an atheist.
Atheism is a view dependent on the view of Theism. The "default state" is not a view of God, or a view of no God. No view of a presence, No view of an absence. This "default state" of no view is also just sitting. If I am an Atheist or Theist while sitting, then something is off. Even when engaging in views and taking an atheistic position, or a view of God, that "default state" of no-view is the heart.
With that in mind...here is a God view, a way of seeing things ...maybe it could be called God is a painted Rice Cake?
The experience of boundless, spontaneous, intelligence comes quite naturally in Creative practice. When there is serious sustained focus on the creative process, it involves letting go completely into this intelligence. It is a total surrender to the process. "I" cannot do it. When there is full creative flight, there is a self-same perfection that is all-pervasive. Self-same perfection is the life of the artistic eye. It is the eye of absolute beauty and perfection of the whole universe as it is. There is vast spontaneous intelligence and an underlying quality of fierce peace. There is also a clear sense of diamond hard space, space that is indestructible, in which everything that manifests is alive and vivid, radiant and transparent. It is the field in which we "live and move and have our being"... call it God, Self, Buddha, Life or whatever. It is also empty, an experience... and should not be clung too. This is one way that it is possible to play in the field of God, Love God, and let it go. No problem.
I know other painters who experience this field of creativity, and some who don't... and of course it isn't limited to Artists, it can be tasted when many kinds of creativity are practice with passion and commitment.