I'm hearing you Daizan, but I think maybe you are misreading the 'label'... 'Atheism' as a term actually isn't really very useful, or even indicative. There is no other form of non-belief that has a similar term. There is no word for people who don't believe in fairies (a-fairy-ism?) or leprechauns (a-leprechaunism?), for example. Atheism isn't a belief system, it is merely the lack of belief in divine agency, in a creator-God who answers our prayers, etc. (there is a distinct difference between a belief that there is no god and a lack of belief that there is one...). It also doesn't preclude feelings of kindredness and compassion to those who don't share those beliefs (sadly this is not always reciprocal...). Again, I see no conflict with Buddhist practice... As far as swinging both ways goes, to each their own...
