Several people have said that i, apparently, is a lot like the character ”Richard from Texas” in ”eat pray love” played by Richard Jenkins, who is one of the ”teachers” that Liz Gilbert (played by Julia Roberts) meets.
So i thought i'd write something up about the teachers we meet.
And just so we get one thing absolutely clear, there are many teachers out there.
Some who claim they are and some who don't, some good and some...
1. The teacher is not there for himself or ”no ego”.
A good teacher is there for everyone. She's in it for the sake of everyone getting a benefit out of it. She's not in it just for her own fame and fortune, if she were then she would just suck up all the energy in your relationship and then leave you dry while moving on. Don´t forget that fancy names are good on paper, and a good teacher never leaves you, she's always with you... A good teacher respects.
2. Where does she come from?
Finding out the backpack that she is carrying is important. If you don't know what she brings, you don't know what you're gonna get. That can be a bit like a box of chocolates, but not nearly as nice. And don't be fooled by fancy wrappingpapers and such, often the simplest things are the best.
You don't always need to know everything, but its good to keep in mind, the backwater of the raft.
3. Behaviour
How does she behave?
If she is nice, flexible and helpful it's all good. Watch ou if she goes ballistic, goes into rages, tries to manipulate and other bad behaviours. If she only wants her ways and not listening to others, opening up possibilites asf i would watch my back, slowly walk out and run.
This does not mean that a challenging behaviour is bad. If done with the correct intent, that is necessary. Being challenging is quite different than being abusive.
She might be the best teacher in the world but quite abusive in her manners and where would that leave you? Abused. And do we want that?
We do not always realize that we are being abused either. We can continue the relationship happily thinking that it is a soaring one, while, in reality, it is a parachutejump where there is only one who has an parachute.
So what do you do?
You live.
You learn.
You stumble and fall.
Sometimes you will be the teacher to, then be the best teacher you can.
In the meantime, leave the bad, hold on to the good and remember, in the end, its all good practice.
Any thoughts/comments on that, groceries?
Thank you for your practice and May the force be with you.
Ps i recommend both the book and the film, both are great! Ds
Several people have said that i, apparently, is a lot like the character ”Richard from Texas” in ”eat pray love” played by Richard Jenkins, who is one of the ”teachers” that Liz Gilbert (played by Julia Roberts) meets.
So i thought i'd write something up about the teachers we meet.
And just so we get one thing absolutely clear, there are many teachers out there.
Some who claim they are and some who don't, some good and some...
1. The teacher is not there for himself or ”no ego”.
A good teacher is there for everyone. She's in it for the sake of everyone getting a benefit out of it. She's not in it just for her own fame and fortune, if she were then she would just suck up all the energy in your relationship and then leave you dry while moving on. Don´t forget that fancy names are good on paper, and a good teacher never leaves you, she's always with you... A good teacher respects.
2. Where does she come from?
Finding out the backpack that she is carrying is important. If you don't know what she brings, you don't know what you're gonna get. That can be a bit like a box of chocolates, but not nearly as nice. And don't be fooled by fancy wrappingpapers and such, often the simplest things are the best.
You don't always need to know everything, but its good to keep in mind, the backwater of the raft.
3. Behaviour
How does she behave?
If she is nice, flexible and helpful it's all good. Watch ou if she goes ballistic, goes into rages, tries to manipulate and other bad behaviours. If she only wants her ways and not listening to others, opening up possibilites asf i would watch my back, slowly walk out and run.
This does not mean that a challenging behaviour is bad. If done with the correct intent, that is necessary. Being challenging is quite different than being abusive.
She might be the best teacher in the world but quite abusive in her manners and where would that leave you? Abused. And do we want that?
We do not always realize that we are being abused either. We can continue the relationship happily thinking that it is a soaring one, while, in reality, it is a parachutejump where there is only one who has an parachute.
So what do you do?
You live.
You learn.
You stumble and fall.
Sometimes you will be the teacher to, then be the best teacher you can.
In the meantime, leave the bad, hold on to the good and remember, in the end, its all good practice.
Any thoughts/comments on that, groceries?

Thank you for your practice and May the force be with you.
Ps i recommend both the book and the film, both are great! Ds