Letting go

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  • RichardH
    • Nov 2011
    • 2800

    Originally posted by raindrop

    Daizan I think I get what you mean. When you allow the little births and deaths, and hold life loosely, letting go of expectations, not forcing, you end up with something different than you thought, but beautiful and real and true.

    Hi, Lisa. I think that's all I'm saying. There is some idea of how things will be, were energy is directed, an investment of the heart. It will change as things go along, so there has to be a letting go, and then there is a new idea, a new investment. That in turn also has to be let go of. In my own experience that investing part is necessary, I have to care, so there is always a caring and letting go. The letting go part is getting easier, because the idea doesn't get fixed like it used to. This is just my own experience, no claim to gospel here.



    • Byokan
      Senior Priest-in-Training
      • Apr 2014
      • 4282


      Yes, and it’s funny, in the beginning it’s easier to go all in and invest, but hard to let go. Then as time goes on, with experience, it gets easier to let go, but harder to keep your heart open and really invest. This is a struggle, to stay pliable and open to the new idea or direction, and not protect yourself by hardening your heart.

      展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
      Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


      • Troy
        • Sep 2013
        • 1318

        Originally posted by raindrop
        Hi Troy, Shingen,
        I find I cannot truly let go of something until I have embraced it fully, just as it is. I’ve never let go of anything by resisting it; resistance seems to be another form of grasping at a thing. Somehow accepting that things are, as they are, allows me to let go.

        I love this thank you for saying it

