As is typical of our Sangha, the ceremony will be conducted simultaneously in various places around the world ... dropping all thought of here and there, now and then ... with the Preceptor (Jundo) in Japan, and our Ordainees, Shingen Michael Price in Canada, Shugen 'Ron' Culver in the United States, all as witnessed by our Sangha members in many countries.
If you would like to witness the ceremony, and join in our celebration, the netcast will be seen at this link on Google+ ...
The ceremony will be about an hour or so. We have room for several folks who have webcams and know how to join a Google+ Hangout to join as 'witnesses' to the ceremony on behalf of the entire Sangha. If you can commit to being there, and are already familiar with Google+, please e-mail or PM to Jundo. I will try to include as many people as I can. While everyone else will watch "one way" at the link above, our witnesses shall be representing the warm hearts of everyone witnessing the ceremony from home.
If you cannot join us live, FEAR NOT, as the entire event will be recorded and shared with everyone at the above link for all to witness later.
Thank you to all in our Sangha for joining us in this time of celebration.
If you would like to read a bit more about the meaning of Shukke Tokudo Homeleaving as a Novice-Priest here at Treeleaf, please look below in this thread.
Gassho, Jundo