Hello friends! I have come again to visit asking for help. I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to repay my debt to you guys? 
I have to write a paper explaining why Buddhism has been associated with social justice and what certain developments or ideas lead to this association. I would very much appreciate people's own experiences and stories, maybe some book suggestions, online resources, etc. that might help in writing this paper.
It's an academic paper, not a journal or something, but I yeah. I wanna take it seriously. It's a perfect opportunity to share the dharma in an academic setting. Lots of reliable sources that might be in academic papers might help, but that's just a plus.
Thank you! And sorry for asking so much.
I hope everyone is doing alright. I still sit with you guys! Albeit not in so much the same way. As Jundo says, same, but different, different but same.

I have to write a paper explaining why Buddhism has been associated with social justice and what certain developments or ideas lead to this association. I would very much appreciate people's own experiences and stories, maybe some book suggestions, online resources, etc. that might help in writing this paper.
It's an academic paper, not a journal or something, but I yeah. I wanna take it seriously. It's a perfect opportunity to share the dharma in an academic setting. Lots of reliable sources that might be in academic papers might help, but that's just a plus.
Thank you! And sorry for asking so much.
I hope everyone is doing alright. I still sit with you guys! Albeit not in so much the same way. As Jundo says, same, but different, different but same.