Dear Treeleaf Community,
I am pleased to announce that from today TREELEAF SANGHA IS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTING DONATIONS to support our activities.
Those wishing to Donate may do so at the link above in the header on this page, or here (via PayPal):
As said there ...
Our doing so is in accord with the recent discussions and agreement among our community found here (LINK).
Our thanks to Seimyo, Kyonin and Yugen for their hard work in establishing our donation web page and system.
And to all of you ... We thank you for your generosity. If you have any questions about our donation system, please feel free to ask at any time.
Gassho, Jundo (on behalf of Taigu too).

I am pleased to announce that from today TREELEAF SANGHA IS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTING DONATIONS to support our activities.
Those wishing to Donate may do so at the link above in the header on this page, or here (via PayPal):
As said there ...
There are no charges at all for the activities and teachings provided at Treeleaf Sangha, which are each offered free to all who may benefit. No donations are solicited or required. However, if someone wishes to make a voluntary donation to our community, they may do so at the above link with our gratitude. All donations are completely voluntary, without obligation, according to ability, and as one feels in one’s heart. There is no obligation, and people who have little or no money should know especially that it is fine to donate little or nothing at all. If one has more money, and feels it is right, one can donate more. We leave it to each person to decide.
All donations will be used for the purposes of the maintenance and improvement of software and equipment needed for this ‘digital’ Sangha, books, notices and publications to introduce our resources to those who may benefit, support of retreats and activities, and other Sangha related expenditures under the supervision of our 5 member “Donation Oversight and Expenditure Committee” (DETAILS ON THE COMMITTEE AT THIS LINK).
All donations will be used for the purposes of the maintenance and improvement of software and equipment needed for this ‘digital’ Sangha, books, notices and publications to introduce our resources to those who may benefit, support of retreats and activities, and other Sangha related expenditures under the supervision of our 5 member “Donation Oversight and Expenditure Committee” (DETAILS ON THE COMMITTEE AT THIS LINK).
Our thanks to Seimyo, Kyonin and Yugen for their hard work in establishing our donation web page and system.
And to all of you ... We thank you for your generosity. If you have any questions about our donation system, please feel free to ask at any time.
Gassho, Jundo (on behalf of Taigu too).
