current etiquette for posting zazen and inviting people?

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  • Sydney
    • Aug 2010
    • 120

    current etiquette for posting zazen and inviting people?

    Having been pretty much offline for a while, I'm catching up on the site's evolving features.

    I see the Sitter's Schedule at and Treeleaf Sangha at

    Although it took me a minute to work out the basics, I've joined one and remembered to invite Treeleaf Sangha to a couple of zazen google hangouts.

    From context, I've tentatively concluded that the Sitter's Schedule times are adjusted to my local time settings. I'll know for sure soon enough.

    This is about the extent of my current grasp of the feature set.

    So, what's the current best practice for posting practice times without unintentionally spamming? I'm a computer programmer, but social networking largely mystifies me.
    Diligently attain nothing. Sort of. Best not to over-think it.
  • Dosho
    • Jun 2008
    • 5784


    I would suggest finding a time that works for you and inviting the entire community to see who is interested. At times there have been problems and some (like me) have decided to adjust, but I think it best to just jump in and go for it. If issues then arise, address them at that point. Eventually everything shakes out as it should.



    • Kyonin
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Oct 2010
      • 6752

      I'm on almost everyday at 5:30 AM Central


      Hondō Kyōnin
      奔道 協忍


      • Mp

        Hey Sydney,

        I sit with Dosho every night at 8pm (PST), maybe see you see there? =)



        • Sydney
          • Aug 2010
          • 120

          Originally posted by Shingen
          Hey Sydney,

          I sit with Dosho every night at 8pm (PST), maybe see you see there? =)

          That's 10 pm my time (CST), which I can pull off sometimes.

          Depending on... life, I try to chant the heart sutra and sit for 20 minutes in the morning & evening. Aside from most Sundays being absolutely buried in work, I have a somewhat adaptive schedule these days. I'll give some thought to some fixed times I can stick to and post them in the calendar and further down in this thread.
          Diligently attain nothing. Sort of. Best not to over-think it.


          • Sydney
            • Aug 2010
            • 120

            Originally posted by Kyonin
            I'm on almost everyday at 5:30 AM Central


            If this includes Saturdays, I can see it happening.
            Diligently attain nothing. Sort of. Best not to over-think it.


            • Dosho
              • Jun 2008
              • 5784


              You are more than welcome at the evening sit I host (thanks Shingen for mentioning it!). Would you like an invite? We did have an issue awhile back where people were getting spammed, so I only invite people who request to be invited. I don't require any level of commitment to participating as I am only asking if you want to be on the list. Other people have successfully invited the entire community without spam, so I wasn't going to suggest this method unless you ran into an issue.

              So, just let me know if you want to be on the list; I would be more than happy to do so. And, speaking of, I need to send out the invites!


              Originally posted by Sydney
              That's 10 pm my time (CST), which I can pull off sometimes.

              Depending on... life, I try to chant the heart sutra and sit for 20 minutes in the morning & evening. Aside from most Sundays being absolutely buried in work, I have a somewhat adaptive schedule these days. I'll give some thought to some fixed times I can stick to and post them in the calendar and further down in this thread.


              • Sydney
                • Aug 2010
                • 120

                Originally posted by Dosho

                You are more than welcome at the evening sit I host (thanks Shingen for mentioning it!). Would you like an invite? We did have an issue awhile back where people were getting spammed, so I only invite people who request to be invited. I don't require any level of commitment to participating as I am only asking if you want to be on the list. Other people have successfully invited the entire community without spam, so I wasn't going to suggest this method unless you ran into an issue.

                So, just let me know if you want to be on the list; I would be more than happy to do so. And, speaking of, I need to send out the invites!

                Yup, list me!

                I'm still figuring out my new routine, as just last week I brought my bench and cushion home from the office, which had been an exceedingly good practice space but not a place from which I could do this internet thing.
                Diligently attain nothing. Sort of. Best not to over-think it.

