I will restart with a new window.
- REDUX-NOT-TWO - Sunday (March 30th) Zazenkai with DAIHO HILBERT Roshi is HERE!!
Thank you to Daiho and Jundo for making this wonderful talk possible. =) Was also wonderful to sit and experience this with all of you. =)
Thank you Daiho for this teaching, and for your example of engaged Buddhism - sit down and shut up, then get up and do something!
Thank you Jundo for setting this up. Thank you to all who join.
Deep bows,
SekishiSekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
I was watching & my camera was on but puzzled that I could not join! I then realized towards the end of the talk I had this window in the bottom righthand corner that I should have clicked to join. Apologies Jundo because there was a space I think. Thank you Daiho for such a beautiful talk & wonderful inspiration. And thank you Jundo for organizing the event
- REDUX-NOT-TWO - Sunday (March 30th) Zazenkai with DAIHO HILBERT Roshi is H...
Thank you so much. Wonderful. A lovely Zazenkai.
MyozanLast edited by Myozan Kodo; 03-31-2014, 08:20 PM.Comment
Marvelous. Absolutely inspiring. Thank you Daiho, and Jundo, and all who attended.
It is a special place where a teacher is open enough to expose their students to other teachers, ideas, and traditions (especially from outside their lineage). Nine bows to you Jundo. I have been places where teachers are anxious to maintain the "purity" of their tradition, like a variety of GMO corn..... Zen teaching is not a Monsanto seed variety....!
Deep bows