Hello All,
This is our March 30th sit with Daiho REDUX. I have the folks registered for the HANGOUT the same as last week. If there has been change in someone's ability to attend, please let me know by PM.
WELCOME to our Special Zazenkai guided by our guest, the gifted Soto Zen Teacher and social activist HARVEY DAIHO HILBERT Roshi, live from the Clear Mind Zen Temple in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

The live netcast will be heldSunday morning (March 30th) at 10am in New York, 7am in California, Sunday Afternoon 4pm in Paris and 3pm in London, 11pm in Japan. I HOPE TO OPEN THE HANGOUT ABOUT 10 to 15 minutes before. (Of course, those who cannot join the hangout can still watch live "one way" at the link below, and others can watch and sit with us later, when they can). I anticipate that the event will take between 1 hour and 90 minutes.
Some more about Rev. Daiho and this Zazenkai can be found at the LINK HERE.
For this Zazenkai, Rev. Daiho will lead a chant of the Heart Sutra (using Matsuoka-roshi’s translation as here), followed by 20 min. of Zazen, followed by a Dharma talk on Engaged Practice: Bearing Witness . We will conclude, after a Q & A, by chanting the Four Great Vows.
The Great Heart of Wisdom Sutra
When Kannon the Bodhisattva of Compassion was practicing the deepest wisdom he clearly saw that the five aggregates are empty thus transcending distress and suffering. Oh Shariputra form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form, form is exactly emptiness, emptiness exactly form, feeling thought, impulse, and consciousness are likewise like this.
O Shariputra, remember, Dharma is fundamentally emptiness, no birth, no death. Nothing is pure, nothing is defiled. Nothing can increase, nothing can decrease. Hence: in emptiness, no form, no feeling no thought, no impulse, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no seeing, no hearing, no smelling, no tasting, no touching, no thinking, no realm of sight, no realm of thought, no ignorance and no end of ignorance, no old age and death and no end to old age and death. No suffering, no craving, no extinction, no path, no wisdom, no attainment.
Indeed, there is nothing to be attained; the Bodhisattvas live this deepest wisdom with no hindrance in the mind, no hindrance therefore no fear. Far beyond delusive thinking they finally awaken to complete Nirvana . All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas of past, present, and future live this deepest wisdom and therefore reach the most supreme enlightenment. Therefore know that this wisdom, beyond wisdom, is the greatest Dharani, the brightest Dharani, the highest Dharani, the peerless Dharani. It completely ends all suffering. Know this as truth and do not doubt. So set forth this profound wisdom Dharani. Set forth this Dharani and declare: Gone, gone, ¤ gone to the other shore, ¤ attained the other shore, to beyond the other shore, having never left.
Wisdom Heart Sutra. ¤¤¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
Our circle for the Hangout holds more people than seats. We have a couple of folks on "waiting list" as discussed at the LINK HERE.
This Zazenkai also is in celebration of Daiho Roshi's NEW BOOK LIVING ZEN: The Diary of an American Zen Priest, which I am thoroughly appreciating and heartily recommend to all. Here is part of my review ...
A Warm Welcome and Bows to Daiho Roshi!

This is our March 30th sit with Daiho REDUX. I have the folks registered for the HANGOUT the same as last week. If there has been change in someone's ability to attend, please let me know by PM.
WELCOME to our Special Zazenkai guided by our guest, the gifted Soto Zen Teacher and social activist HARVEY DAIHO HILBERT Roshi, live from the Clear Mind Zen Temple in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

The live netcast will be heldSunday morning (March 30th) at 10am in New York, 7am in California, Sunday Afternoon 4pm in Paris and 3pm in London, 11pm in Japan. I HOPE TO OPEN THE HANGOUT ABOUT 10 to 15 minutes before. (Of course, those who cannot join the hangout can still watch live "one way" at the link below, and others can watch and sit with us later, when they can). I anticipate that the event will take between 1 hour and 90 minutes.
Some more about Rev. Daiho and this Zazenkai can be found at the LINK HERE.
For this Zazenkai, Rev. Daiho will lead a chant of the Heart Sutra (using Matsuoka-roshi’s translation as here), followed by 20 min. of Zazen, followed by a Dharma talk on Engaged Practice: Bearing Witness . We will conclude, after a Q & A, by chanting the Four Great Vows.
The Great Heart of Wisdom Sutra
When Kannon the Bodhisattva of Compassion was practicing the deepest wisdom he clearly saw that the five aggregates are empty thus transcending distress and suffering. Oh Shariputra form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form, form is exactly emptiness, emptiness exactly form, feeling thought, impulse, and consciousness are likewise like this.
O Shariputra, remember, Dharma is fundamentally emptiness, no birth, no death. Nothing is pure, nothing is defiled. Nothing can increase, nothing can decrease. Hence: in emptiness, no form, no feeling no thought, no impulse, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no seeing, no hearing, no smelling, no tasting, no touching, no thinking, no realm of sight, no realm of thought, no ignorance and no end of ignorance, no old age and death and no end to old age and death. No suffering, no craving, no extinction, no path, no wisdom, no attainment.
Indeed, there is nothing to be attained; the Bodhisattvas live this deepest wisdom with no hindrance in the mind, no hindrance therefore no fear. Far beyond delusive thinking they finally awaken to complete Nirvana . All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas of past, present, and future live this deepest wisdom and therefore reach the most supreme enlightenment. Therefore know that this wisdom, beyond wisdom, is the greatest Dharani, the brightest Dharani, the highest Dharani, the peerless Dharani. It completely ends all suffering. Know this as truth and do not doubt. So set forth this profound wisdom Dharani. Set forth this Dharani and declare: Gone, gone, ¤ gone to the other shore, ¤ attained the other shore, to beyond the other shore, having never left.
Wisdom Heart Sutra. ¤¤¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
This Zazenkai also is in celebration of Daiho Roshi's NEW BOOK LIVING ZEN: The Diary of an American Zen Priest, which I am thoroughly appreciating and heartily recommend to all. Here is part of my review ...
This book is a compilation of his short diary entries (I believe most were once published on his blog) a few years ago, but he is a beautiful diarist. He short daily entries are on the mundane face of life ... a visit from his son, getting the kitchen counters redone, dealing with war memories and his painful war injuries ... yet each lesson packs a wallop. The man speaks with Wisdom and Compassion throughout, and pulls no punches. Thus, the book is somehow light and pleasant to read, yet powerful and profound at once. It is amazing how he does it. I must say that I am only half through the book as I write this (I am taking it in small bites), but have no hesitation to recommend this to everyone.
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