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  • anzan
    • Aug 2013
    • 17

    Thank you for posting this. I love "don't know" mind. It is like being on a continuous first date with life.



    • Joyo

      The more I practice Zen, the more I realize there is nothing to know, dropping all, including preconceived ideas and expectations of all things. I am the type of person that puts a huge, huge amount of pressure on myself, and this practice continues to help me to just drop everything.



      • Joyo

        You know, after giving this a bit more thought, I have a few more things to say. I was raised very strict Christian and continued on that path for 35 years. Slowly, I started to break away and then made a very quick change and quit going to church, reading my bible, and all the other things that I was taught I had to do in order to be a good Christian. This left me with a very uneasy feeling. I started researching more and more on the history of the bible etc. and I became obsessed with finding the perfect doctrine, the perfect explanation as to what the bible really meant. This eventually turned me into an atheist, not at all where I thought I would end up lol!! Even as an atheist, I still felt uneasy, always searching, questioning and trying to find answers. In the middle of this I found Buddhism, and then I found Treeleaf, and to make a long story short, I eventually just dropped all that. Too much thinking was going on in my head!!! Instead of spending countless hrs searching on wikipedia, I now sit, chant and just live a simple life as best as I can, dropping all ideas of proper doctrines and ideas. And when people ask me if I believe in this or that, I just say I don't know.



        • Kokuu
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Nov 2012
          • 6988

          when people ask me if I believe in this or that, I just say I don't know
          That must feel really freeing, Joyo.



          • Troy
            • Sep 2013
            • 1318

            Originally posted by Joyo
            You know, after giving this a bit more thought, I have a few more things to say. I was raised very strict Christian and continued on that path for 35 years. Slowly, I started to break away and then made a very quick change and quit going to church, reading my bible, and all the other things that I was taught I had to do in order to be a good Christian. This left me with a very uneasy feeling. I started researching more and more on the history of the bible etc. and I became obsessed with finding the perfect doctrine, the perfect explanation as to what the bible really meant. This eventually turned me into an atheist, not at all where I thought I would end up lol!! Even as an atheist, I still felt uneasy, always searching, questioning and trying to find answers. In the middle of this I found Buddhism, and then I found Treeleaf, and to make a long story short, I eventually just dropped all that. Too much thinking was going on in my head!!! Instead of spending countless hrs searching on wikipedia, I now sit, chant and just live a simple life as best as I can, dropping all ideas of proper doctrines and ideas. And when people ask me if I believe in this or that, I just say I don't know.

            Great teaching Joyo I think we are twins sometimes, lol. We have been in some similar places during our walk.


            • Joyo

              Originally posted by Troy
              Great teaching Joyo I think we are twins sometimes, lol. We have been in some similar places during our walk.
              That's great Troy, always encouraging to find others that have walked a similar path in life.

              And Kokuu, yes it is very freeing, but to give a bit more background--I was raised Mennonite and still live in the place where I grew up. So, my family is here, as well as many, many people that I used to attend church with. Even at work, the other day, many of the staff remembered me from my Christian days and it's awkwaard to hear comments like "oh, haven't seen you in awhile, don't you go to church anymore?". It can be a difficult town to live in because I'm labelled as the "backslidden" one, but again, I just try to drop that and take comfort in the path of Zen, the empty, I don't know path. And life is just too short to take seriously



              • Myosha
                • Mar 2013
                • 2974


                "oh, haven't seen you in awhile, don't you go to church anymore?".

                I'm never not in 'church'.

                "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


                • Joyo

                  Originally posted by Myosha

                  "oh, haven't seen you in awhile, don't you go to church anymore?".

                  I'm never not in 'church'.

                  Or this, I never was in church


                  p.s.--I'm a bit of a pantheist, the whole earch is my church


                  • Nameless
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 461

                    What a great thread! Thank you Troy. Each time I start to get too big for my britches (as the saying goes) something (nothing? Haha) always happens that shows me that I don't know anything lol. It's refreshing being humbled. As an intellect addict, it's always amazing watching the tower of thought collapse, while also knowing that there was also nothing to collapse. I followed a similar route to Buddhism and Treeleaf Joyo, now I just don't concern myself with that which has no definite answer, and that which cannot be observed. Still entertain subjective, experience based views, but they're nothing more than conjecture.

                    The fun thing with Zen is that we can never understand it with our brains. Can never adequately describe the Dharma with words. On that note, in the Kiriwina (a language of New Guinea) the word mokita means a truth that everyone knows, but no one speaks about. That's the fun fact of the day. Haha.

                    Gassho, Foolish John


                    • Jakugan
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 303

                      Originally posted by Jishin
                      Not knowing/emptiness is only half the story. When one truly does not know, then reality can be seen with a clear eye. The grass is green and the sky is blue. Just like this. :-)

                      Gassho, Jishin
                      Thank you Jundo.




                      • Troy
                        • Sep 2013
                        • 1318

                        Originally posted by Nameless
                        What a great thread! Thank you Troy. Each time I start to get too big for my britches (as the saying goes) something (nothing? Haha) always happens that shows me that I don't know anything lol. It's refreshing being humbled. As an intellect addict, it's always amazing watching the tower of thought collapse, while also knowing that there was also nothing to collapse. I followed a similar route to Buddhism and Treeleaf Joyo, now I just don't concern myself with that which has no definite answer, and that which cannot be observed. Still entertain subjective, experience based views, but they're nothing more than conjecture.

                        The fun thing with Zen is that we can never understand it with our brains. Can never adequately describe the Dharma with words. On that note, in the Kiriwina (a language of New Guinea) the word mokita means a truth that everyone knows, but no one speaks about. That's the fun fact of the day. Haha.

                        Gassho, Foolish John
                        Great lesson! Thanks John


                        • Troy
                          • Sep 2013
                          • 1318

                          So many great comments! Than you everyone for enriching my life


                          • Daitetsu
                            • Oct 2012
                            • 1154

                            Hi Joyo,

                            Lots of parallels here!

                            Originally posted by Joyo
                            Even as an atheist, I still felt uneasy, always searching, questioning and trying to find answers. In the middle of this I found Buddhism, and then I found Treeleaf, and to make a long story short, I eventually just dropped all that.
                            Yes! For me it is like those questions are gone - not because I know the answers, but because questions somehow disappeared in a strange way. And this is quite liberating indeed!


                            no thing needs to be added

