Book Recommendation (For Folks New to Buddhism): Buddhism For Dummies

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41207

    Book Recommendation (For Folks New to Buddhism): Buddhism For Dummies


    What an unfortunately named book!

    I have been looking for a very long time for a book for people very new to Buddhism who want to know basic information and all the many flavors of Buddhist schools, their beliefs and practices. Most of the books I encountered until now were tilted to one particular school or view, too simple, new agey or dry, or otherwise not up to par.

    Despite the silly title, this is a very smart, well written, comprehensive and detailed yet easy (and fun) to read, humorous and serious guide, covers most of the major bases and in quite some detail, gives fair treatment to the many flavors of Buddhism, is very down to earth about the more magical aspects of Buddhism (it tries to present a more psychological than literal take on Karma and Rebirth, for example) .... and it covers everything and the kitchen sink. I learned a thing or two. I just wish they would change the title!

    Buddhism For Dummies
    by Jonathan Landaw, Stephan Bodian

    Buddhism For Dummies 2e: Second Edition [Landaw, Jonathan] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Buddhism For Dummies 2e: Second Edition

    Thank you to Hans for first pointing this book out to me. I am going to add it to our recommended book list.

    If I have one criticism, I wish they had done a better job in explaining the different approaches of Zen, such a Koan Introspection Zazen and Shikantaza, which they sometimes explain but sometimes lump and mash all together.

    Although folks who have more experience with Buddhism may also find the book interesting in many parts, I primarily recommend it for newcomers who don't know Thai from Tendai from Tibetan.

    Gassho, Jundo
    Last edited by Jundo; 02-27-2014, 04:02 AM.
  • Hans
    • Mar 2007
    • 1853


    glad you liked it! What I particularly enjoyed was the fact that they managed to remain fairly neutral in most cases. There are always countless ways in which one can (and sometimes maybe should) criticise certain approaches to Dharma, but to someone completely new to the big bad word "Buddhism" in general it is important to be able to gain some kind of general overview. Such an overview will never be perfect and will always be found lacking, but this one does manage to convey a ton of useful stuff that can help dharma rookies orient themselves.

    If someone asks you "what does sports mean?" , and you give them a baseball bat, in a way you may have given them a great answer...but maybe that person is more of a cricket/squash/water polo/soccer kinda gal/guy.
    So especially for people who really have no clue but are intrigued nevertheless, this is as good an overview as they come.


    Hans Chudo Mongen


    • Ishin
      • Jul 2013
      • 1359

      I actually have one called Zen for Dummies. I will post the author when I can look it up. This book led me ultimately here.

      Grateful for your practice


      • Jishin
        • Oct 2012
        • 4823

        "Complete idiots guide to zen living" is a good beginners book too. :-)



        • Ishin
          • Jul 2013
          • 1359

          Sorry Yes Jishin that's the one:

          Grateful for your practice


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41207

            Originally posted by Clark
            Sorry Yes Jishin that's the one:

            I do not mean to judge a book by its cover, but I will base it on 10 minutes looking through it at Amazon. I am not going to recommend it. To make a long story short, it seems a big cluttered mess of modern mindfulness this and that. Not really a Zen book, although they try to tie it all to "Zen". I will see if I can find a copy to look thru more closely.

            Gassho, J


            • Myosha
              • Mar 2013
              • 2974


              Read the "Complete Idiot. . ." book when it was first published.

              This portion of an review is pretty accurate:

              " In my opinion, you don't need to be told ZEN this and ZEN that in your daily life. The author, though well-intentioned, has written a comprehensive book that in the end says the same thing thousands of times.

              Sit quietly for 20-minutes a day and try not to think about anything. Be compassionate to others around you, enjoy and appreciate each moment and live in the present - if you do these things, you are practicing ZEN. It doesn't take 300 pages to state the obvious." A Customer

              "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


              • Ishin
                • Jul 2013
                • 1359

                Originally posted by Jundo
                I do not mean to judge a book by its cover, but I will base it on 10 minutes looking through it at Amazon. I am not going to recommend it. To make a long story short, it seems a big cluttered mess of modern mindfulness this and that. Not really a Zen book, although they try to tie it all to "Zen". I will see if I can find a copy to look thru more closely.

                Gassho, J
                Well, I can see how you would feel that way. I will say that it left me realizing I wanted/needed to know more and ultimately here. I will tell you that they do go over Zen as Buddhism but then go on to talk about Zen with or without it. So take that for what it is worth. The book does cover the basic tenets of Buddhism, Dukkha 4 Noble truths etc. Having only read a few other books on Zen Buddhism I don't have much to compare it to.

                Grateful for your practice


                • Jishin
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 4823

                  Well, I am idiot. How I am supposed to know a good book from a bad one? :-)



                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41207

                    I will try to get a copy. It may still be a good book.

                    Gassho, J
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Kyonin
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 6752

                      Thank you, Jundo!

                      I am happy to see there's a Kindle version. I added it to my wish list and will buy it soon.


                      Hondō Kyōnin
                      奔道 協忍


                      • Jishin
                        • Oct 2012
                        • 4823

                        I read the book 3 years ago and should not have opened my mouth about it. I guess I was assuming that if I read it must of have been good. :-) There is a kindle version of it but Jundo's quick glance at is an accurate opinion since he is a speed reader. No need to buy the book. :-)



                        • Fugu
                          • May 2013
                          • 101

                          Originally posted by Jundo
                          I do not mean to judge a book by its cover, but I will base it on 10 minutes looking through it at Amazon. I am not going to recommend it. To make a long story short, it seems a big cluttered mess of modern mindfulness this and that. Not really a Zen book, although they try to tie it all to "Zen". I will see if I can find a copy to look thru more closely.

                          Gassho, J
                          Jundo, don't bother. You got it right the first time. It's a piece of idea what/if there is an audience for it but I can't find anything in it of interest. It just misses the mark, in many ways.




                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41207

                            Originally posted by Fugu
                            Jundo, don't bother. You got it right the first time. It's a piece of idea what/if there is an audience for it but I can't find anything in it of interest. It just misses the mark, in many ways.


                            Oh, well, since I have only perused the book for 10 minutes ... and some folks seem to like it, others not ... well, I cannot recommend it. On the other hand, I will not not recommend it either since I have not read it.

                            Shall we call that a Zenny "Non-recommendation"?

                            Gassho, J
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Jishin
                              • Oct 2012
                              • 4823

                              Originally posted by Jundo

                              Shall we call that a Zenny "Non-recommendation"?

                              Gassho, J

