When I sit: advices

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  • Myoshin
    • Mar 2025

    When I sit: advices

    Hello all,

    Since a few days I have a trouble when I sit.

    When I sit down, and I'm straight, I feel the bones of the lower basin (between the buttocks and thighs) undergo pressure, what bothers me and prevents me from concentrating.

    I sit like I always did, I tried to change my posture, but nothing changes.

    I had this one time but don't remember how it vanished.

    Does someone have an advice, and/or can explain what's happening?


  • Bobman4671
    • Nov 2013
    • 54

    Are you tightening up your legs? I tend to do that when I sit and it usually produces that effect.


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    • Kyonin
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Oct 2010
      • 6752

      Hi Myoshin

      It could be that your cushion needs a little re filling.

      Or maybe you need to stretch a little before sitting?

      I would try to see if other cushions feel better and compare what works best.

      Keep us posted!


      Hondō Kyōnin
      奔道 協忍


      • Mp

        Originally posted by Kyonin
        Hi Myoshin

        It could be that your cushion needs a little re filling.

        Or maybe you need to stretch a little before sitting?

        I would try to see if other cushions feel better and compare what works best.

        Keep us posted!




        I agree with Kyonin ... have you tried turning your zafu and sat on the outer rim ... this will give some lift and let you know if it is your zafu. =)



        • Genshin
          • Jan 2013
          • 467


          If adding additional filling to your zafu is not possible, you could also place a folded blanket under your zafu to give it a little more height. I'm doing that at the moment and find it helps.



          • Daijo
            • Feb 2012
            • 530

            I experience these problems when I sit on a smaller cushion. There are also some stretches I was taught by a monk while on retreat that really tend to help. Especially before an extended sitting period.


            • Myoshin

              Thank you all for your advices,

              It's going better, maybe I am much sensitive in this period, I'll keep in touch to let you know when I'll be normal again




              • Dokan
                Friend of Treeleaf
                • Dec 2010
                • 1222

                I've notice similar things from time to time. Transient pains and aches. I find that sometimes stretching can help before my sit. You'd be surprised how much havoc hamstrings can put on your sit...especially your back.


                We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                ~Anaïs Nin


                • Fugu
                  • May 2013
                  • 101

                  Your hips need to be measurably higher than your knees. Knees need to be on the floor, not pointing up. I agree with the others; put something under your zafu to raise the hips. This will direct some of the force down your thighs and onto your knees, and take pressure off the sitz bones.




                  • Jakudo
                    • May 2009
                    • 251

                    Its also important to be balanced on your sit bones. Sitting shouldn't put undo stress on your back, or abdomen. Once I have found my balance point Zazen can be almost effortless...except for the mind racing..:0)

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                    Gassho, Shawn Jakudo Hinton
                    It all begins when we say, “I”. Everything that follows is illusion.
                    "Even to speak the word Buddha is dragging in the mud soaking wet; Even to say the word Zen is a total embarrassment."


                    • alan.r
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 546

                      Do you run or work out or go on walks? Go for a short jog or walk, get your leg muscles warmed up, and then stretch after the muscles are warm. Then try sitting a little. Sometimes tight muscles just need warmed up and reset.



                      • Anshu
                        • Aug 2013
                        • 57

                        Bonjour Myoshin,
                        Je suis d'accord avec les autres posts qui parlent de manque de hauteur pour ton zafu. Plus on est ouvert au niveau des cuisses, plus la hauteur du coussin doit être importante.
                        La pression la plus importante devrait être sur les genoux, pas sur le bas du dos. Pour exemple pour placer mon zafu je me place sur les genoux, je lève les fesses et glisse mon coussin dessous, de façon à reposer le coccyx sans pression. Cette façon de placer mon coussin facilite la bascule du bassin et facilite le redressement de la colonne vertébrale.
                        A voir photo 12 page 4 : www.zennamur.be/telechargements/posture.pdf‎
                        Si ton zafu n'est pas assez haut il faut le remplir un peu de kapok et si ce n'est pas possible, tu peux le faire en serrant une ceinture autour.

                        Hello Myoshin,

                        I agree with other posts that talk about lacks height for your zafu. The more you open the thighs, plus the height of the cushion should be.
                        The most important pressure should be on his knees, not the lower back. For example, to place my zafu I stand on my knees, lift ass and slid under my pillow, so as to rest the coccyx without pressure. This way of putting my pillow helps pelvic tilts and assists adjustment of the spinal column.
                        See photo 12 page 4: www.zennamur.be/telechargements/posture.pdf‎

                        If your zafu is not high enough we must fill out some kapok and if this is not possible, you can do it by tightening a belt around.

                        Last edited by Anshu; 01-28-2014, 09:15 AM.
                        Le secret consiste donc seulement à dire "OUI" et à se jeter dans le vide. Dès lors, il n'y a plus de problème. Il s'agit d'être soi-même dans l'instant présent, toujours soi-même, sans s'accrocher à son vieux moi.
                        Shunryu Suzuki Roshi


                        • Daijo
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 530

                          Since I plan to have the camera rolling Thursday for the 8 forms meditation, maybe I'll film the stretching techniques too? I'll do them the best I can, I was only given the training once so I've always gone off of memory.



