Monday through Thursday Zazen with Dosho

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  • Mp

    Originally posted by Kyotai
    Dosho, thank you for continuing to organize this. Just wanted to mention, having sat here and there for the last few years with google +, I was initially quite shy about sitting on camera or had some insecurities about having to talk (some of you may also feel that way) but Dosho maintains a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere. A bell starts the sit, a bell ends the sit. No need to say anything at all but give a wave if you like

    Gassho, Kyotai
    sat today
    So true Kyotai, sometimes a simple smile and a wave is all that is needed. =)




    • Nindo

      To the regulars - you know who you are
      It is so reassuring and comforting to know that you are going to be there whenever I accept the invitation for this sit. Thank you for keeping the sits going and going and going ... even in thunderstorms, right Joyo?
      Joining once a week has been working well, so I'll make an effort to keep this up.
      I am still much behind any 5 year old's skill in operating my tablet, but yesterday I finally found the comment function - wahoo!



      • Mp

        Originally posted by Nindo
        To the regulars - you know who you are
        It is so reassuring and comforting to know that you are going to be there whenever I accept the invitation for this sit. Thank you for keeping the sits going and going and going ... even in thunderstorms, right Joyo?
        Joining once a week has been working well, so I'll make an effort to keep this up.
        I am still much behind any 5 year old's skill in operating my tablet, but yesterday I finally found the comment function - wahoo!

        It is always great to see you ... you know who you are! =)




        • Nengyo
          • May 2012
          • 668

          Originally posted by Nindo
          To the regulars - you know who you are
          It is so reassuring and comforting to know that you are going to be there whenever I accept the invitation for this sit.
          I used to be a regular, but those damn Canadians really started to take over the place [moose smiley] (well, that and I'm usually in a near coma or asleep by 11pm right now)


          PS why isn't there an actual moose smiley?
          If I'm already enlightened why the hell is this so hard?


          • Nindo

            Originally posted by Nengyo
            PS why isn't there an actual moose smiley?

            Exactly, the one thing sorely missing on TL!


            • Sekishi
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Apr 2013
              • 5673

              Originally posted by Nengyo
              I used to be a regular, but those damn Canadians really started to take over the place [moose smiley]
              Rest assured, I am still keeping my eye on them for ya! :-)

              Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


              • Mp

                Originally posted by Nengyo
                I used to be a regular, but those damn Canadians really started to take over the place [moose smiley] (well, that and I'm usually in a near coma or asleep by 11pm right now)


                PS why isn't there an actual moose smiley?
                LOL Take off eh! =)




                • Joyo

                  Yeah, Nengyo doesn't come anymore, cuz last time we did this to him....

                  sat today


                  • Dosho
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 5784



                    • Jakuden
                      • Jun 2015
                      • 6141

                      LOL Seriously?? How did I not know this movie existed? I love Alan Alda and John Candy.

                      P.S. I wish I could join these sits, but the morning ones happen when I have to leave for work, and in the evening I turn into a zombie about 10 PM.



                      • Dosho
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 5784

                        Hello all,

                        To those of you who sit with me already:

                        You may have noticed me being absent of late or perhaps even disappear in the middle. Just so you know, I recently started being treated for sleep issues and it is actually going pretty well! I am getting to bed earlier and feeling more rested in the morning. I did an at home sleep study with all sorts of wires hooked up to a monitor which was very strange to say the least! While I am waiting on the results of that I have started taking some medication that is supposed to reset my natural sleep cycle, but it takes awhile to get it right. So, I have missed sits because I fell asleep and I have even done so in the middle! One day last week it just seemed like a good idea at the time to lie down with my head on the zafu and take a nap. I woke up about 5 minutes after I was supposed to ring the bell!

                        So, please bear with me for a bit as I find my new routine. I may end up changing the times if it becomes problematic, but once I get it right I'm told I can basically choose when I sleep! We'll see.

                        For everyone else, a brief advertisement:

                        Every so often I like to remind folks that I host two 30 minute session of zazen, Monday through Thursday on Google+, one at 9am and the other at 11pm Eastern time in North America.

                        All are welcome, but to cut down on spam I am posting this message to ask if you would like to be added to the invite list for one or both of the sits. I don't need to know if you will be able to make it any particular day of any particular week as I know you will attend when possible. I am just asking if you would like to be invited.

                        So, if you want an invite to one of the sits, please reply to this message or send me a PM to be added. Folks who already get invites don't need to do anything (but can let me know any time if they want to be removed from any of the lists).

                        I hope to see some of you there!



                        • FaithMoon
                          • Jul 2015
                          • 112

                          Hi Dosho, Thanks for the update! I was doing the morning sit with you, but now that the seasons are changing I would like to try the evening sit. So, could you take me off the morning invite list and add me to the evening invites. Faith-Moon (Google ID is gallaher.peggy)
                          sat today!


                          • Doshin
                            • May 2015
                            • 2621

                            Dosho, I am back home and will join you again more regularly. WiFi turned out to be less common and intermittent signal strength on the road than I anticipated. Glad you are making progress with your sleep issues. If you need to reschedule to a time that corresponds with your sleep schedule I think most would gladly change with you.

                            Thanks for your hosting of this sit,




                            • Kyotai

                              Thanks Dosho and good luck with getting your sleep in order.

                              Gassho, kyotai
                              Sat today


                              • Ishin
                                • Jul 2013
                                • 1359

                                We can just sit if you can't make it Dosho
                                I wish you well in your sleep efforts

                                Sat Today
                                Grateful for your practice

