How to shobogenzo
Perhaps there's some way that we can do this as a group?
shobogenzo is not meant to be read the way we usually do, taking in information or to form an educated opinion on a subject. When I read it I always have that quote from Confucius in mind: "If I give you one corner, its up to you to come up with the other three" Hardly anything Dogen writes is meant to be taken literally. It is written and read as a guide to contemplation and reflection. The reader has to do the work. Like said earlier in this thread, you cannot read and try to understand anything Dogen writes without sitting and practicing Zen in life too. You will find that these texts change or rather "fold open in a different way" every time we study them. One day you read it and you feel Dogen must have been some kind of babbling nutcase and the next day the same passage opens up like a flower, expressing what is in your heart in a way you could never manage yourself. In my opinion, this has to do with maturing, the self and what you project or are ready for at that particular moment of reading. Taigu often says " read a passage and just let it ring your bell" It is not an intellectual exercise and it is an intellectual exercise at the same time, the reader has to dig deeper, study, look things up in other texts or imagine the situation a lively as possible, like a koan. A practice that must follow the pace of your Zen practice. That is the mysterious miraculous and baffling quality of Dogens Shobogenzo. Dogen does not seek to be entertaining while we sit comfortably (although this can be very nice too) , but gets you moving, puts you to work the hard way saying what? WHAT!!!!
Stop reading and start to Shobogenzo. This is the key.
Hi Neo,
Jundo answered before me, thank you Jundo for this reminder.
No rush, even if it's difficult to understand, let the Shobogenzo read you.