Hi all
Had this experience which I found both humorous and worth sharing. I read somewhere, don't recall now, possibly a post Yugen made, that when you sit in the morning it really seems to set the precedent for the day and things seem to slip into their own rythm. I woke up ealry this morning and I dragged myself out of bed onto the zafu.
Sitting quietly in the dawn, my eldest son who is 10, pokes his head into the room and says:
"Dad it's time to wake up!"

Had this experience which I found both humorous and worth sharing. I read somewhere, don't recall now, possibly a post Yugen made, that when you sit in the morning it really seems to set the precedent for the day and things seem to slip into their own rythm. I woke up ealry this morning and I dragged myself out of bed onto the zafu.
Sitting quietly in the dawn, my eldest son who is 10, pokes his head into the room and says:
"Dad it's time to wake up!"
