Mercedes Benz X Zazen
okay, Jen. I "want" that bumper sticker in a very desirous way. It is making me suffer that I don't have it and that I have never seen it before. Nice find! (Just kidding about the desiring and the suffering, by the way.)
williamLast edited by Juki; 11-14-2013, 05:18 PM."First you have to give up." Tyler DurdenComment
Sorry but perhaps I'm just stupid but is the point that most if not all the monks got distracted by the car - which could be seen by measuring their brain waves, hence their beating with kyosaku. The message = Mercs can tempt you away from enlightenment or something of the sort? What do I know....!!! Nice car tho' In my past life I used to have an Audi TT sport - doesn't compare with zazen. Gassho TaikyoComment
Below the ad, this important notice
* This film has been made with the cooperation of Buddhist monks.
Interpretation of the meanings/aims, the postures of Zazen differs between denominations and temples.
The driving scenes were filmed with a professional driver on a closed circuit.
For your own safety, DO NOT attempt.
Now....the last line, is about the driving....or the Zazen???
GasshoThank you for your practiceComment
Seeing as nearly all advertising is based on emotional appeal, I want to see the monks hooked up to an EEG / MEG while watching the ad!
As an aside, it is always giggle and/or cringe worthy to see the many ways the trappings of the Dharma are used to sell stuff (or at least is integrated into pop culture). I've noticed that the convenience store down the road from me sells some sort of chemical / herbal "male enhancement" that is simply called "Zen". There are lots more examples at the home of the "Dharma Burger" at:
I suppose they are good teachers. When I see them and feel sad I know I have identified another attachment.
-EricSekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Below the ad, this important notice
* This film has been made with the cooperation of Buddhist monks.
Interpretation of the meanings/aims, the postures of Zazen differs between denominations and temples.
The driving scenes were filmed with a professional driver on a closed circuit.
For your own safety, DO NOT attempt.
Now....the last line, is about the driving....or the Zazen???
Now, that clears things up!Last edited by Jundo; 11-14-2013, 06:35 PM.ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLEComment
Aaaaaawwwww, that one poor monk. After many years of practicing non attachment, he lost his concentration after seeing the new car after all. The teacher, embarrassed and a bit aggravated, punishes his disciple for his lack of perseverance. Mercedes won! There is the proof. No one can stay cool after seeing this car. Not even Zen monks!
A very Walt Disney view of Zazen I think? Still like the commercial and the car though!
Thanks for sharing Jundo!
Aaaaaawwwww, that one poor monk. After many years of practicing non attachment, he lost his concentration after seeing the new car after all. The teacher, embarrassed and a bit aggravated, punishes his disciple for his lack of perseverance. Mercedes won! There is the proof. No one can stay cool after seeing this car. Not even Zen monks!
A very Walt Disney view of Zazen I think? Still like the commercial and the car though!
Thanks for sharing Jundo!