While sitting by the stream
of thoughts and dreams,
a flower floated by.
And against all rules,
this time I picked it up.
"By sitting, you can never reach
the heart of the matter."
YES! How can we strive
to reach the place we never left,
just by sitting by the stream
of thoughts and dreams?
The flower dropped again.
It's fragrant sent still lingers.
Being the heart of the matter,
I trust it will soon wash away too.
of thoughts and dreams,
a flower floated by.
And against all rules,
this time I picked it up.
"By sitting, you can never reach
the heart of the matter."
YES! How can we strive
to reach the place we never left,
just by sitting by the stream
of thoughts and dreams?
The flower dropped again.
It's fragrant sent still lingers.
Being the heart of the matter,
I trust it will soon wash away too.