Originally posted by Keith
I agree. I often say "many roads up the mountain", and I do think that everyone has to choose their own music and religion. I love those little old ladies too. I do not even think that Buddhism, let alone Zen Buddhism, is for everyone. Some people may do better with other religions. Within Buddhism too, some folks need an Amida or Kannon in the sky to pray too, and that is how they relate. Good for them. I am certainly not a believer in any kind of fundamentalism (heck, even Master Dogen was just a guy with his own viewpoint(s), although a pretty wise guy I think).
But, I am something of an elitist, and I make no apology. I teach what I teach for those with an ear attuned to it and who can hear it, and for whom it is the right road. The subtle aspects of Zen Buddhism have generally not been appreciated by the popular masses, who are often more comfortable with other types of religious or personal belief.
Gassho, Jundo