Shikantaza Question

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  • Jishin
    • Oct 2012
    • 4821

    Originally posted by LimoLama
    IMHO one of the best descriptions of Shikantaza can be found in the book "Opening the Hand of Thought". It includes a nice diagram as well.
    However, I think the introductory Treeleaf Beginner's Series videos contain everything one needs to know.


    Hi Timo,

    I like these worthless teachers. :-)

    Gassho, John


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 40188

      Originally posted by John C.
      Hi Sam,

      I find that good Zen teachers are worthless. In the end I just ignore them and sit. :-)

      Gassho, John
      Oh yeah! Kill the worthless Teachers, kill that Worthless Buddha too ... Just Sit Worthlessly, for all its worth.

      And speaking of worthless Teachers, I am about three talks into the series on Shikantaza that was introduced on another thread. Wonderfully Worthless, and I very much recommend such to all. The feel of the seminar can be a bit "Californy-loosey-goosey" at times to my taste, but Fischer Roshi truly conveys Dogen's Vision of Whole, Complete, Worthless Sitting.

      These talks are very much recommended and not a waste of time though Thoroughly Totally Worthless too ...

      A series of eight podcasts by Norman Fischer on Dogen's teachings on Zazen. I have only listened to the first one so cannot vouch for quality but he is usually pretty good. Further information (after listening to the second podcast):

      Gassho, Jundo
      Last edited by Jundo; 10-19-2013, 03:50 AM.


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 40188

        Originally posted by shikantazen
        I sent a message to Brad on facebook and this is his response:

        hi brad, one question on just sitting. During the sitting which of the following is true? a) Let the mind do whatever it needs to do. Ofcourse don't intentionally try to think something but otherwise dont try to control the mind in anyway b) whenever you realize you are caught up bring the mind back; in other words keep waking up from thought
        which of a) or b) do you recommend during sitting

        8 hours ago


        2 hours ago

        Thanks Brad. to be more specific, i am sitting in a). i.e., leaving thoughts as is without trying to wake up; but again without any intentional thinking. I don't specifically try to wake up from thoughts or try to bring the mind back. I somehow feel trying wake up from thoughts sets up a goal oriented attitude to my sitting. just sitting and leaving the mind seems more natural and shikantaza like to me. Please let me know if what I am doing sounds correct. Thanks very much for your time

        41 minutes ago

        It sounds correct. The thing is there's no way around having a bit of intention in your practice, even though the practice itself is ideally without intention.
        Hmmm. Read this a few times, sounds like he is telling you either/or both and neither, yes/no and "what's the question again?".

        Very Zen I guess.

        You should give the Norm Fischer talks a listen, emphasizing the Whole, Vibrant, Alive, Buddha Realized-Realizing, Dedicated, Goallessly Intentional, All Thus Universe Sitting nature of Shikantaza.

        While we do not get tangled or wallow in the thoughts that come and go, it is also so much more ... EVERYTHING in fact. Shikantaza ain't some "technique" ... and that's the Technique.

        Gassho, J


        • sittingzen
          • May 2010
          • 188

          This is such a "heavy" thread with such great content.


          Shinjin datsuraku, datsuraku shinjin..Body-mind drop off, mind-body drop off..

