Thoughts about Adyashantis teachings

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  • Neo
    • Nov 2012
    • 76

    Thoughts about Adyashantis teachings

    ... just anyones experiences from Adya's teachings. I find him very down to earth, secular. Been into zen for many years and seems to have experienced a mature awakening to the buddha nature. He really gives me some hope in this dreadful state between two worlds where I find my self.
    .. because he constantly forgets him self,
    he is never forgotten ..
  • Myosha
    • Mar 2013
    • 2974

    You are the center of the universe. Do what makes you happy.

    "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


    • shikantazen
      • Feb 2013
      • 361

      I think he is a great teacher; very articulate and insightful.

      But he is not liked and recommended in zen circles very much. Here is a thread on a previous discussion about Adya.

      Adyashanti is a very famous spiritual teacher from San Francisco who awakened through Zen practice. He doesn't teach in the traditional Zen style but what he calls as "true meditation" is essentially shikantaza practice. I'm describing the practice here, mostly in his words so that it will help clarify our shikantaza



      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41218

        Yes, I might be completely wrong about Adya, he could be much other than I feel, but here is my typical response ...

        Adyashanti is a very famous spiritual teacher from San Francisco who awakened through Zen practice. He doesn't teach in the traditional Zen style but what he calls as "true meditation" is essentially shikantaza practice. I'm describing the practice here, mostly in his words so that it will help clarify our shikantaza

        And there is more discussion in that same threat. I feel he is, as they say in Texas about city slicker cowboys, "All Hat, No Cattle".

        Gassho, J


        • Neo
          • Nov 2012
          • 76

          I have to agree with the people saying your ego don't like him. And I don't like that you are trying to live like dogen, because we live in 2013 here. Come on man, secular buddhism is okey. :-)
          .. because he constantly forgets him self,
          he is never forgotten ..


          • Taigu
            Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
            • Aug 2008
            • 2710

            It is not an issue with ego, Neo, and we are not trying to live like Dogen.
            Please spare us with your familiar language ( "come on, man") and if you have nothing else to say, please, sit and be quiet.
            If you want to learn manners, you are my guest.

            Take great care of yourself,




            • Taigu
              Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
              • Aug 2008
              • 2710


              If you are happy with Adya's teachings, please, go for it and leave Treeleaf. It feels as if you are trying to sell what that guy has to sell. We have here nothing to sell, just water by the river. For extra experiences and various extraordinary stuff, get fully into the advaita-New age. And make peace with your heart choosing something that speaks to your heart.

              It is not rocket science.

              We could have dokusan if you wish.

              The bottom line is that : Zen is Zen, Advaita is Advaita.

              Both are great. But fusion makes a pretty disgusting taste.




              • Myosha
                • Mar 2013
                • 2974

                Thank you.

                "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


                • Mp

                  Originally posted by Taigu
                  The bottom line is that : Zen is Zen, Advaita is Advaita.

                  Both are great. But fusion makes a pretty disgusting taste.
                  Thank you Taigu.



                  • pinoybuddhist
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 462

                    Originally posted by Neo
                    I have to agree with the people saying your ego don't like him. And I don't like that you are trying to live like dogen, because we live in 2013 here. Come on man, secular buddhism is okey. :-)
                    I don't understand what you mean by secular buddhism. Could you please clarify? It seems to this clouded mind that what you mean by secular buddhism is buddhism that doesn't mind mixing traditions. Sort of like what MMA is to traditional martial arts. And you know what? I agree: that's OKAY. But as Jundo has pointed out so many times before when in the Aikido dojo, do not insist on Karate or MMA - they're both great but they're not our practice. There may be an "MMA-type" sangha that doesn't mind mixing Zen and Advaita. That is ok - but that is not Treeleaf. We respect other meditative practices (and some of us do other practices), but here we only practice Soto Zen.



                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41218

                      Hah, we usually get criticized around here for being TOO secular, too open to mixing Zen Practice with Christianity, Judaism or other Paths, too open to "new" traditions for modern times, not trying to "live like the 13th century" enough!

                      Well, guess it depends on where one is coming from.

                      Personally, I am not an enemy of Advaita, should someone have in interest in such. Not at all, no more than I am an enemy of Christianity or Judaism. It is just that we do not Practice that Karate in our Ai-ki-do Dojo, and I happen to think that Adya-enchanter and some other folks (some Buddhist Priests, Christian preachers and Jewish Rabbis too) are not all they are cracked up to be. If he helps someone, or I am wrong, all the better!

                      Gassho, J
                      Last edited by Jundo; 10-13-2013, 02:46 AM.
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Bunny
                        • Sep 2013
                        • 111

                        Originally posted by Neo
                        He really gives me some hope in this dreadful state between two worlds where I find my self.
                        I can really hear/feel the suffering in that statement. Just wanted to extend loving kindness to you and all who feel that way in this moment.


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41218

                          Originally posted by Bunny
                          I can really hear/feel the suffering in that statement. Just wanted to extend loving kindness to you and all who feel that way in this moment.
                          Yes, thank you for that reminder Bunny.
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Steven
                            • Sep 2013
                            • 114

                            Originally posted by Neo
                            And I don't like that you are trying to live like dogen
                            Why would you want to join a Soto Zen sangha if you have a mentality like this In my short time here I have come across extremely open minded and compassionate individuals who are willing to offer their opinions and teachings to genuinely help others. 2013 or not, our practice is still relevant. I hope you keep an open mind during your time here!


                            • shikantazen
                              • Feb 2013
                              • 361

                              Originally posted by Neo
                              I have to agree with the people saying your ego don't like him. And I don't like that you are trying to live like dogen, because we live in 2013 here. Come on man, secular buddhism is okey. :-)
                              Hi Neo,

                              I see nothing wrong with your post or the way you feel. But then I don't see anything wrong with what the teachers here say too. How is that possible?

                              I can see where you are coming from and it might feel like the teachers are too rigid or non-secular but trust me that's not the case. Zen is quite different from other spiritual teachings and it might feel like a bit of shock if we come into zen and try to apply what we previously learnt here. It is important to come with a fresh mind and be willing to unlearn our previous ways even if sometimes it doesn't fit with our logical mindset.

                              Now what Taigu is saying to you might feel rude and might piss you off. He was asking me to leave too. So you are not alone here. Now please don't leave or think that teachers here are rigid. Being put to shame is okay. It feels not okay and that is okay too. But dont leave. this is a great forum and the teaching here is really authentic. don't lose this just for a forum discussion conflict. keep sitting. Zazen is the greatest teacher.

                              And I didn't really think much when I made my post about adyashanti. I should not have posted that link to that old thread. I probably don't feel the same way about adyashanti now. I made the post out of an old habit rather than saying truly what I feel about him now. I still think he is articulate and insightful but I don't really follow or read him much these days. zen feels enough. The only advice I can give you is not to follow multiple teachings. I feel it is important to listen to the teachers and dedicate yourself to one teaching (the teaching here). But if you don't really feel up to it now, you may continue to read/listen to adya but do keep sitting (true meditation or shikantaza way) for a few months and see if you feel any different.


