Seiko Hirata, the head priest of Tenryuji Temple in Kyoto, who dedicated himself to the internationalization of Zen, died from multiple organ failure on Wednesday. He was 83.
Hirata, who was known as a leading theorist in the Zen sect, died at around 5:39 p.m. Wednesday.
A private funeral for Hirata will be held at Tenryuji Temple in Kyoto's Ukyo-ku at 1 p.m. Saturday. ... 6000c.html
Hirata, who was known as a leading theorist in the Zen sect, died at around 5:39 p.m. Wednesday.
A private funeral for Hirata will be held at Tenryuji Temple in Kyoto's Ukyo-ku at 1 p.m. Saturday. ... 6000c.html