I've been thinking about this thread, the topic keeps coming up on Treeleaf that we will get "nothing" from our practice. I, however, don't feel that way, so am I doing something wrong?? I find, that if I have a couple of busy days and I don't sit for very long, don't truly practice the dharma, I get angry/bitter towards ppl that have hurt me and refuse to apologize, I get kind of arrogant that my views are better than others, and I get impatient with my kids. And these things are a warning to me, that I need to get back at it. So, what I get from Zen and sitting shikantaza are so, so many things---I am nicer to all beings and I'm calmer, more tolerant etc. . So, this is in a sense, why I practice. Is there something I am missing here, because forgive me, but I'm not understanding how we can get nothing from Zen and shikantaza.