Just by a WOWWY coincidence (are there such things?), the Koan I was thinking to post here on this theme is the very Koan that I was going to post on from the Book of Serenity. Everyone, please have a peak ...
Where I am/Where am I
Hey Will!
It's great to see you here, my friend.
Yes, you are ignorant. So am I and pretty much everyone. And when it comes to stupid, I'm the king.
But it all comes down to sitting so you can admire and dip yourself in the vastness of empty.
Trust me when I say this (taken from our dear friend Dokan): A honest "I don't know" opens the path for liberation.
So... read a lot and rationalize all you want. But at the end, just sit.
KyoninHondō Kyōnin
奔道 協忍Comment
Thanks to all of you for your teaching and your patience. Feeling a lot better now. I was sitting last night, counting through the 108 beads on a mala (which is not a Zen practice, per se). At that point, I realized that a Buddhist mala is pretty much the same thing as a Catholic rosary, and I think I sprained my hamstring trying to kick myself in my own butt. Doh!
william"First you have to give up." Tyler DurdenComment
Thanks to all of you for your teaching and your patience. Feeling a lot better now. I was sitting last night, counting through the 108 beads on a mala (which is not a Zen practice, per se). At that point, I realized that a Buddhist mala is pretty much the same thing as a Catholic rosary, and I think I sprained my hamstring trying to kick myself in my own butt. Doh!
無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...
Interesting (to me) article on malas by former Zen monk Clark Strand: http://www.tricycle.com/-practice/worry-beadsComment
For our newer folks, more about Mala/Prayer beads that came up recently. However, it is really just Buddhist trivia, good for Buddhist game shows. For example:
Q: On which hand is the Mala traditionally properly worn?
Does anybody here ever use a mala? I never use one for Zazen, which i keep traditional, but I often do use one for a weird kind of metta practice. The mala is 108 beads, and as I sit on my Zafu, I hold the mala with my left hand and touch each bead in turn with my right thumb and forefinger, one bead per breath. Touching the