Fully agree - practice!
About gratitude:
I can recommend having a gratitude journal in which you write regularly (every day or evey 2nd day) five things that come into your mind you feel grateful for.
Nothing spectacular, just things you might have taken for granted, but are precious.
For example:
1) I am grateful for the fresh air I can breathe right now.
2) I am grateful for my body.
3) I am grateful for having found Treeleaf.
4) I am grateful for having a roof above my head.
5) I am grateful for my job.
Just to give you an idea.
Try this for one month or as long as you wish and see what happens.
I agree.
Practice is what keeps the dharma alive.
So lets practice
KyoninLeave a comment:
Guest repliedAnd thank you for your practice Andy. We are all links in the same chain.
ShingenLeave a comment:
I was just reading a dharma book and felt a wave of gratitude for all those who have taken time to preserve, teach and write down the teachings that the rest of us might have access to them. I am sure that I am not the first to have felt this, nor will I be the last. To all of those here, and elsewhere, who take time to be part of the process of passing on the dharma, my heartfelt thanks.
How to express such gratitude?
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