Retreat in United States

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  • Taigu
    Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
    • Aug 2008
    • 2710

    Great idea Yugen. Would you, could you coordinate the group?




    • Yugen

      I would be happy to help coordinate. So far I have Seizan, Dosho, Daido, and myself as the "organizing group." Anyone else? Please post here or PM me.

      Deep bows


      • KellyRok
        • Jul 2008
        • 1374

        I would be very interested in attending in person, but I honestly don't know where we will be next summer. That is close to another possible move for my husband's job. I guess I will try to put some money aside and go from there.

        It would be so wonderful to meet you all in person.



        • Dokan
          Friend of Treeleaf
          • Dec 2010
          • 1222

          Count me in wherever it is and I also offer my support in organizing!

          We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
          ~Anaïs Nin


          • Shujin
            Novice Priest-in-Training
            • Feb 2010
            • 1187

            What a great idea. Thank you, Taigu & everyone involved. I don't know where I'll be at that point in time, but I'll start saving.

            Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


            • Kaishin
              • Dec 2010
              • 2322

              I wish to attend, if only for a few days, due to work/family obligations. Looking forward to more details.
              Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
              Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


              • Yugen

                Greetings all,
                It's time to organize and beginning framing options for this retreat. I'm going to PM Seizan, Daido, Dosho, and Shokai to kick things off. To start, we should discuss:

                - Timing
                - Location
                - Venue
                - Cost

                If anyone else would like to help out and join this organizing group, please let me know!

                Deep bows


                • Daijo
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 530

                  Taigu and Yugen, the monastery I am visiting this weekend is located in Andover New Jersey. It's about an hour and a half drive from New York City and there is bus service available. They do occasionally open their doors to other traditions, groups/Sanghas. They only ask that the general rules of the monastery are followed at all times. They have dormitories, large meditation halls, class rooms, a kitchen and cafeteria, etc...I can't promise anything, but they might be open to allowing us to use their facilities for this retreat. I can ask if you wish, but I am sure they would like to hear from the "teacher" before making a decision. Please let me know and I can give you the contact information.


                  • Brian Roessler
                    • May 2012
                    • 25

                    It seems like the preference is to have this event on the coasts, but I thought I would throw out a Midwestern option for consideration: Ryumonji is in NE Iowa, is incredibly beautiful, and is (I think) the only traditionally constructed Japanese style zen monastery in North America (not important but interesting for sure). Shoken Winecoff, a dharma heir of Katagiri roshi & the Abbott, is a wonderful, warm, and open person. They might be open to hosting the sesshin. The Ryumonji website is


                    • murasaki
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 473

                      I'm about in the same position as Jinmei. My life is still rather unstable, and I don't know what to expect about that time. However, I would very much like to attend, and will do what I can to help, starting with this advice:

                      DON'T come to Arizona. It's not that I don't want you here, it's just that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And anyway I would love an excuse to be elsewhere.

                      I will start planning and gathering resources as they come.

                      "The Girl Dragon Demon", the random Buddhist name generator calls have been warned.

                      Feed your good wolf.


                      • Yugen

                        Thank you so much for the suggestion. We have a few options that Sangha colleagues have contributed - I think the best thing to do is put them in the committee's "inbox" and shuffle them around and explore the options. It may be that we make inquiries of several locations and see what works.... if you would provide the contact information to me I will make sure there is follow up. Thank you!

                        We will do our best to satisfy your desire for a change of locale! I would imagine late spring/summer would also be quite warm. I really hope you can attend.



                        • McGettigan
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 40

                          I know it isn't the first thing that comes to mind, but any thoughts on Vegas? I organized an event a couple of years ago that involved people from all over the country. It just ended up being the economically feasible option. The casinos and the airlines all offer deals on flights, and all the hotels do really good group rates. Not to mention most from California, the Southwest or the Mountain West could drive. And the flight from New York looks to only be around a hundred dollars. I've played a lot a shows and done some events there over the years, and it's always been very easy to get things off the ground. Though I imagine Vegas isn't what Julia (or probably anyone) was thinking of...

                          All the hotels are equipped for conferences and most offer full packages which include catering/an event organizer. It's a city built for events.

                          That being said, I know Salt Lake and Austin are Delta/AirFrance hubs (meaning cheaper flights) with affordable hotels. Those are the places that come to mind when I think of an affordable place to hold a gathering that involves people from all over.

                          I'll just say, I'm not a big fan of Vegas. Still. It IS cheap.


                          • Dokan
                            Friend of Treeleaf
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 1222

                            I'd be interested in helping as I can as well Yugen!


                            We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                            ~Anaïs Nin


                            • tedmac
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 89

                              A monastery or campground in a state park may be the way to go if this will be a sleep-by-your-zafu, formal-oryoki-eating retreat. If this will be a sleep-in-a-bed, informal-dinner retreat, then the options change. Either way, I'll try my best to go.


                              • Yugen

                                I apologize for my inadvertent omission! I remember your kind offer of help - you are very welcome and your offer is gratefully accepted!

                                Deep bows

