I was introduced to Insight/Vipassana before Zen, and both "speak to me" after all these years still.
Back in '08 or '09, I started using the Salzberg & Goldstein "Insight Meditation in-depth correspondence course" intended to be a distance study taking up to a year to work through. I never completed it, because I began to focus more of my attention on shikantaza.
But here lately I've just been doing both (not at the same time, obviously). Part of the Insight course is a bunch of roughly 45-minute guided meditations that are essentially the same experience as sitting with a vipassana (or zen) instructor briefly chiming in from time to time, which is how I first learned to do all this years ago.
Anyone else have experience and/or informed opinions about this approach? In a group this size, I assume a handful of you have at least been exposed to it.
Back in '08 or '09, I started using the Salzberg & Goldstein "Insight Meditation in-depth correspondence course" intended to be a distance study taking up to a year to work through. I never completed it, because I began to focus more of my attention on shikantaza.
But here lately I've just been doing both (not at the same time, obviously). Part of the Insight course is a bunch of roughly 45-minute guided meditations that are essentially the same experience as sitting with a vipassana (or zen) instructor briefly chiming in from time to time, which is how I first learned to do all this years ago.
Anyone else have experience and/or informed opinions about this approach? In a group this size, I assume a handful of you have at least been exposed to it.