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  • Bansho
    • Apr 2007
    • 532


    I also have a Christian background and look forward to the celebrations, markets, festivals, etc. this time of year, even though I haven't considered myself to be Christian for some 20 years now. After I moved to Germany (in 1996) it became too difficult to send presents back and forth to my family in the USA, so for the first few years we had the rather silly practice of sending checks to one another. Now we just send cards and have long chats on the phone, and my wife and her parents also keep that consumer madness to an absolute minimum. All of this makes for a much more enjoyable holiday season. Here in Germany the season really kicks in as of the 1st advent (yesterday), and if you keep your eyes and your mind open, there really are lots of opportunities to practice the Dharma amidst all that commericalism and Christianity. My wife and I just went to a nice advent bazaar over the weekend, where all the proceeds were to go to various charity organizations, e.g. children with cancer, homeless people, etc. It was a good excuse to buy lots of goodies, too.



    • Ten
      • Nov 2007
      • 34

      Thank you all for your replies. And thanks for the mental hug Lynn!

      I've finally caved in to pressure and have decided to buy presents (thoughtful presents) for others and to receive them in return. My Mum last night looked genuinely sad when she said I have to have something to open on Christmas morning. I'm torn between enjoying Christmas with everyone and sticking by my principles against greedy and needless companies trying to make as much money year on year as they possibly can and all the pointless stress it causes others.

      One minor example of this which I think proves the point quite well is in one of my old jobs we'd be selling Poinsettias in the run up to Christmas. One day one of the big boss guys told me that most people put Poinsettias by their windows and the draft can kill them off quickly, but we don't tell them that so they come back and buy more. It's all completely senseless and you wonder how much longer this model can be sustainable for (I'm now wandering into something much bigger which I'll leave for another day).

      Homemade presents and other thoughtful ideas are so much better I think, unfortunately I'm not a very imaginitive or creative person. At least I've still got time to shop. :roll:

      There's a Christmas in the square in my town this year, hopefully going to this will stop me being so cynical.

      Bah humbug indeed!!


      • Martin
        • Jun 2007
        • 216

        For my part, I too enjoy the celebration of Christmas. As Lynn says, Jiyu Kennett taught that the symbols are what you make of them, and suggested a "Bodhi tree" consisting of a plastic tree (she didn't like cut flowers or trees) in the shape of an evergreen tree (evergreen to symbolise the eternal nature of the dharma) adorned with candles (to symbolise the light of the Buddha's enlightenment) and with baubles or fruits (to represent the fruits of enlightenment). We put a Bodhi tree like this up at home and one in my office by 8th December every year. Oddly enough, to the uninitiated it looks rather like a Christmas tree. My secretary, who is a Jehovah's Witness, and who is forbidden to decorate Christmas trees, just loves decorating the Bodhi tree!




        • Rev R
          • Jul 2007
          • 457

          Around my house we celebrate the Winter Solstice, Yule and my wife's birthday since they fall within days of each other.

          I get burned out on the commercialism, decorations being displayed on the first of November, and the music being played everywhere before Thanksgiving is over.

          A good point was raised earlier that the message of the Christmas season, peace on Earth and goodwill toward men, is something that we should carry with is everyday in our practice of the Way.

          Happy Rohatsu
          Happy Christmas
          Happy Hanukka
          Happy Yule
          Happy Holidays
          Happy New Year

          No matter what you say, the wish for happiness is still there.

          May all beings be happy.



          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41217

            Originally posted by Martin
            As Lynn says, Jiyu Kennett ... suggested a "Bodhi tree" consisting of a plastic tree (she didn't like cut flowers or trees) in the shape of an evergreen tree (evergreen to symbolise the eternal nature of the dharma) adorned with candles (to symbolise the light of the Buddha's enlightenment) and with baubles or fruits (to represent the fruits of enlightenment). We put a Bodhi tree like this up at home and one in my office by 8th December every year.
            I see nothing wrong in adopting this as an official (optional) practice at Treeleaf too. Sounds great. That, and the Jew-Bu menorah ...

            ... and, of course, SHAKYA CLAUS ...

            Gassho and ho ho ho


            • Ten
              • Nov 2007
              • 34

              Sounds (and looks) great! :P


              • will
                • Jun 2007
                • 2331

                Don't you mean Gassho ho ho ?
                To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                • Komoku
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 55





                  • Rev R
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 457

                    Originally posted by will
                    Don't you mean Gassho ho ho ?
                    ho ho gassho... the syllables flow better.


                    • Mika
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 64

                      I celebrate the Christmas amongst my relatives in the traditional capitalist way, thought this year I only asked the Santa to bring me three books (I bought like ten myself this month). Nothing says Holiday like a pile of good virgin books just waiting to be read!

                      Ok, we are not consumption junkies, but the whole family gathering in the living room to open presents has been part of my Christmas since I can remember, and it just wouldn't be the same if there was nothing there under the Tree.
                      [i:za7h9q7z]Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.[/i:za7h9q7z]


                      • Don Niederfrank
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 66

                        Christmas present

                        I apologize for being absent after beginning to be part of this online community.
                        I won't go on about Christmas except to say that I don't like it. Details available on request. :wink:

                        My son wrapped up a great big box. I opened it; it was empty, except for this--

                        A box of no-thing
                        Anticipation is snow
                        The spring will melt it.

                        Zenta Claus

                        How can I not be proud, love him, rejoice that at 24 he walks so much more lightly than I did? It was one of the best things I've ever recieved because of what was before/beneath/behind it.

                        Rev Don
                        p.s. another gift whose reception was not joyous was the death of my friend and college roommate in November.

                        p.p.s. fwiw, I'll try to be here more often as I have left off moderating and battling elsewhere.

                        p.p.p.s. We got a young active cat friend for good ol' Flannery. I am glad to be living a life that if someone asks me what the most exciting thing that has happened in the last month, I can say, "We got another cat."

                        p.p.p.p.s. Ten, as others as pointed to, it's about compassion, relationships. Principles are things we possess and by which we can be possessed. You. Me. Him. Her. No inbetween. 8)
                        Un otro mundo es possible, si...


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41217

                          Hi Don,

                          A very nice, little extra present in the stocking was to hear from you.

                          Happy Holidays Gassho, J
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Ankai
                            Novice Priest-in-Training
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 1065

                            How can I not be proud, love him, rejoice that at 24 he walks so much more lightly than I did? It was one of the best things I've ever recieved because of what was before/beneath/behind it.

                            While I was in Iraq, Christmas was brutal. Not because of the religious aspect for me, but because of the family and tradition. (And that damned "I'll Be Home For Christmas" song.)
                            A day before Christmas, I got a rather huge box from home. It was light. Opening it, I found a much smaller box, within which was nothing but a picture of my kids and a tiny slip of paper on which was typed the word, "LOVE."
                            That's all.
                            Best Christmas present I ever got.
                            護道 安海

                            -Godo Ankai

                            I'm still just starting to learn. I'm not a teacher. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I already take myself too seriously!


                            • will
                              • Jun 2007
                              • 2331

                              HI Don. Thanks for the post.

                              Gassho Will
                              To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                              To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                              To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                              To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.

