A video portrait, first aired last summer, from the English language division of Japan's NHK public television on Soto Priest Koyu Abe whose temple, Joenji, is only about 30 miles from the reactors. Abe, taking it on his own with limited resources, has organized a rag-tag local clean-up effort that can only be described as moving a mountain one grain of sand at a time.
The Threat Of Invisible Snow
More information published last year on Rev. Abe can be found here ...
Gassho, J
The Threat Of Invisible Snow
More information published last year on Rev. Abe can be found here ...
On the snowy fringes of Japan's Fukushima city, now notorious as a byword for nuclear crisis, Zen monk Koyu Abe offers prayers for the souls of thousands left dead or missing after the earthquake and tsunami nearly one year ago.
But away from the ceremonial drums and the incense swirling around the Joenji temple altar, Abe has undertaken another task, no less harrowing -- to search out radioactive "hot spots" and clean them up, storing irradiated earth on temple grounds.
But away from the ceremonial drums and the incense swirling around the Joenji temple altar, Abe has undertaken another task, no less harrowing -- to search out radioactive "hot spots" and clean them up, storing irradiated earth on temple grounds.