Faith in people re: E sangha rebirth

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  • will
    • Jun 2007
    • 2331

    Faith in people re: E sangha rebirth

    I think it's important to have faith in people. To remember that no matter what our views are or where we come from. We all breathe the same air. This we all share in common and no matter what you say or do, this cannot be erased.

    So, to me this talk of suttas and rambling seemed to escape the fact that they really don't matter when confronted with the true facts of our "family" and that (in my opinion) there is no right or wrong, correct view, or incorrect view. There is only this Buddha sitting infront of you on the bus or beside you at work. The Buddha may have an opinion and you might have an opinion, but really you should both just shut up sometimes.

    Or maybe I should shut up too.

    Gassho Will
    To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
    To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
    To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
    To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.
  • paige
    • Apr 2007
    • 234

    Well, at least rebirth is a marginally more interesting topic than gay marriage. Which seems to be what all the other religious groups are riled about right now. :roll:


    • Mensch
      • Jun 2007
      • 77

      I'll get myself a teddy bear for christmas. Name suggestions?


      • Undo
        • Jun 2007
        • 495

        Ms Gibbons?


        • Ankai
          Novice Priest-in-Training
          • Nov 2007
          • 1061

          Well, at least rebirth is a marginally more interesting topic than gay marriage. Which seems to be what all the other religious groups are riled about right now.

          Paige, that's incredibly true. I post regularly on one of the religious debate boards- a rather angry one at times, which strikes me as odd- and it seems that no matter what the topic is, sooner or later someone brings it around to either A) Gay Marriage, or B)the ACLU.
          Apparently, certain faith systems will be utterly sthattered and the wheels of time stop turning if people just mind their own business regarding who wants to have the freedom to love whoever they want, and the ACLU will eventually be responsible for the downfall of civilization.
          護道 安海

          -Godo Ankai

          I'm still just starting to learn. I'm not a teacher. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I already take myself too seriously!


          • will
            • Jun 2007
            • 2331

            How about mini mensch.

            To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
            To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
            To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
            To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


            • Rev R
              • Jul 2007
              • 457

              Originally posted by Mensch
              I'll get myself a teddy bear for christmas. Name suggestions?


              • Eika
                • Sep 2007
                • 806

                Originally posted by Mensch
                I'll get myself a teddy bear for christmas. Name suggestions?
                [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                • Ankai
                  Novice Priest-in-Training
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 1061

                  I'll get myself a teddy bear for christmas. Name suggestions?

                  Yes. Lloyd. Name him, "Lloyd the Bear."
                  No reason. Just because.
                  護道 安海

                  -Godo Ankai

                  I'm still just starting to learn. I'm not a teacher. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I already take myself too seriously!


                  • Dainin
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 389

                    Re: Faith in people re: E sangha rebirth

                    Hey Will,

                    Originally posted by will
                    So, to me this talk of suttas and rambling seemed to escape the fact that they really don't matter when confronted with the true facts of our "family" and that (in my opinion) there is no right or wrong, correct view, or incorrect view. There is only this Buddha sitting infront of you on the bus or beside you at work. The Buddha may have an opinion and you might have an opinion, but really you should both just shut up sometimes.
                    Thank you for this. I tend to agree. I'm dealing with something that I'm going to begin a new thread about, and this sort of goes along with it.



                    • Eika
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 806

                      People really are just stupid from time to time. Looked at on balance it really can be the most sensible and compassionate thing to point this out.
                      I agree Harry. People have the right to be asses and others have the right to tell them they are. I consider that kind of honesty helpful. But many times people cannot leave it at that and then unhelpful actions/speech can result, so I think we have to be careful about our intent in these situations.

                      [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                      • paige
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 234

                        Originally posted by Mensch
                        I'll get myself a teddy bear for christmas. Name suggestions?
                        Get 2.

                        Call them Sid & Arthur.


                        • will
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 2331


                          But, when people are being bullshitted by religious fundamentalists then I think its a good time not to shut up (particularly when those religious fundamentalists claim to be acting in the interest of 'Buddha Dharma' which really has nothing in the world to do with their preferred flavour of bullshit).
                          Yes. Perhaps your right.

                          To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                          To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                          To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                          To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                          • will
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 2331

                            Yep. Don't know what to say. I said "perhaps". Anyway, I've got to go climb a mountain with my friend.

                            Talk to you later

                            To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                            To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                            To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                            To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.

