What is a Buddhist?

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  • Shonin
    • Apr 2009
    • 885

    There are more similarities than you may think. Such as the concepts of interconnectedness and Oneness with all things. I recall Jundo mentioning plants and rocks as sentient beings too, so that connection is obvious. While I wasn't specifically Wiccan myself, it was actually alot of my own thoughts on various similar teachings that led me here to Treeleaf. Often someone would comment about how what i was saying sounded very buddhist. Except I had no experience with buddhism at all. Yet, I was coming into line with some more , i guess, well known teachings. The trappings are drastically different. But that same "core" of the practice is essentially the same.
    Also, keep in mind that in the "new age" movement including neo-paganism/neo-shamanism, there is alot of ecclectiness going on. Mixing of things so to speak. And the dharma is there too even if it came from the mouth of a native american medicine man or devout Wiccan high priestess.
    Be it buddhism or christianity or whatever other spirituality/religion , I have promised myself to stay open to Truth. To not cling dogmatically to anything. Always be open to the fact I can be wrong ESPECIALLY when it comes to something as grand as the nature of the universe.I almost feel like I have a built in radar. And just relax and flwo with it. Let that gut feeling/intuitiveness lead me where i need to be.But again...that's just for me and my life*shrug*.
    But that's just my personal view/experience. Can't say for anyone else.

    _/\_ Dave
    P.S. Just because i can't say for anyone else doesn't mean it's time to cut cats in half. :P


    • Amelia
      • Jan 2010
      • 4980

      There was no connection between Wicca and Buddhism that caused me to gravitate to Buddhism. I developed an interest in Buddhism and grew out of the superstition of magic as a quick fix for my problems. I don't want power.

      I am learning to move, or sit, toward truth and not what I want the truth to be, even if that truth eventually leads me somewhere other than Buddhism. I don't know. I like it here for now and have no intention of jumping on any other religious bandwagons. I am a practicing Buddhist. I am content with Dharma.
      求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
      I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


      • Shonin
        • Apr 2009
        • 885

        So from what you say it seems like you learned what Wicca is really about,then left because of a negative view of the "beer and *ahem* humping" Wiccans.
        Last edited by Shonin; 11-23-2012, 09:49 AM.


        • Jinyo
          • Jan 2012
          • 1957

          Dave, Amelia - sounds fine to me.

          Openess - no fixed destination.




          • Shonin
            • Apr 2009
            • 885

            Willow,I didn't mean to imply she was sounding unfine. Just something in the post stuck out at me. But i'm not a mind reader and don't even know the young lady*shrug*
            _/\_ Dave


            • Jinyo
              • Jan 2012
              • 1957

              Originally posted by Shonin
              Willow,I didn't mean to imply she was sounding unfine. Just something in the post stuck out at me. But i'm not a mind reader and don't even know the young lady*shrug*
              _/\_ Dave
              Hi Dave - bit of a miscommunication. What I was saying was that I agreed with both of you

              Sorry it didn't read right.



              • Shonin
                • Apr 2009
                • 885

                Oh hahaha..yeah it does read different when nto at bedtime at 6am lol.


                • Amelia
                  • Jan 2010
                  • 4980

                  Originally posted by Shonin
                  So from what you say it seems like you learned what Wicca is really about,then left because of a negative view of the "beer and *ahem* humping" Wiccans.
                  But that's not what I wrote. I have nothing against beer and humping, really.
                  求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                  I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                  • galen
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 322

                    Originally posted by Amelia
                    But that's not what I wrote. I have nothing against beer and humping, really.

                    Good one Geika!

                    Nothing Special


                    • ZenHarmony
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 315

                      Originally posted by galen
                      Thanks Dave... its not about how you act or what you do?
                      How you act and what you do should be based on what you believe, should it not? Aren't you a hypocrite if it's not?




                      • Shonin
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 885

                        Amelia LOL. That's all _/\_.
                        Zen> Well aren't we all to some degree. I have never met anyone of any faith that has been perfect according to their chosen faith. Doubt I ever will. I'd say we're all hypocritical to some degree. But there is also something to be said of just being imperfect. For instance, I love being nice to folks..Sometimes they do things that get under my skin and irritate the absolute BLEEP out of me. Before I know it I just made some statement to that that makes it quite clear that they did something i did nottt care for. I believe the correct way to be is friendly. To take a deep breath and pause before thinking. Respond not react as some would say. I don't just lose my temper or make a rude comment then blow it off. I remind myself to try to be more mindful in an attempt to NOT do that, as well as to look deeper into myself to find why exactly it is i responded that way..what deeper issues are at play ( of which i have volumes), But well I have been referred to as cantankerous, belligerent, irritable and several other less friendly terms. Does this make me hypocritical because i'm not perfect? Probably.We all slip from time to time, some more than others.

                        _/\_ Dave


                        • Mp

                          Originally posted by Shonin
                          But there is also something to be said of just being imperfect.
                          So true ... I feel without being imperfect, I can loose the great opportunity to change, grow, or just accept being perfectly imperfect.



                          • galen
                            • Feb 2012
                            • 322

                            Originally posted by ZenHarmony
                            How you act and what you do should be based on what you believe, should it not? Aren't you a hypocrite if it's not?



                            It seems it should, Lisa. It may be because we seem to live in a world of do as I say but not what I do. Or the old, actions speak louder then words. Part of the problem seems to be when we get called on it we all of a sudden change in the course of our beliefs... denial. That may be why there is so much suffering and pain in phenomena, when most will not own their own shit. They change on a dime, or play the victim card and point outward at other>>> projecting it on someone else. The lessons of karma taught in these teachings here, should go a long way to some personal resolve and personal responsibility. I feel that Buddhism is a pretty good healer in that it seems to be a good psychological mind-trainer in teaching or opening our minds to look within at our own self created pain and suffering, and not blame it on father/mother or peoples out `there.

                            It seems we all have different levels of our own hypocrisies, esp when younger, sometimes just to survive to keep a boss happy or maybe in a tight situation to support a young family. We give up certain amounts of personal integrity (as you are pointing out here), but that seems to be a hard chain of direction to change and it becomes habitual through the rest of our lives.

                            Then there is the larger collective of groupings as religion (politics) and esp what is called organized religion, its seems very wish washy and full of hypocrisies... intolerance. I find myself outwardly exclaiming... what kind of a god is that!?

                            Nothing Special


                            • disastermouse


                              The ultimate mistake is to judge others by our rubric or to think that because they fall down, they aren't trying hard enough.

                              We don't always know where they started and prematurely judging them for failing their high standards does not mean that having such high standards is a mistake.



                              • galen
                                • Feb 2012
                                • 322

                                Originally posted by disastermouse

                                The ultimate mistake is to judge others by our rubric or to think that because they fall down, they aren't trying hard enough.

                                We don't always know where they started and prematurely judging them for failing their high standards does not mean that having such high standards is a mistake.


                                Thank you Chet... I guess you are saying I am being judgmental and mistaken some how, and while that could be true, the same could be said of your insinuation of this on me. I did not feel it was negative in any way and will re-read it one more time from here. That is why I use the words 'seems and we' quite a lot in making my pointless points, all inclusive of myself too. I was only trying to point out normal humaness from my perspective, and ended with hypocrisy is also part of survival, shedding it in a positive light, and once again including myself. Maybe you could point directly to my failings here, and no so much general. Did you some how feel singled out here?

                                Last edited by galen; 11-26-2012, 06:35 PM.
                                Nothing Special

