..For me a "Buddhist" is someone who learns and practices the Buddha's innovative solution to our problem. The human predicament of perceived spiritual exile. The pervasive sense of incompleteness, of constantly trying to fill up, searching for lost wholeness. The haunted intuition of lost Grace in a perpetual struggle with doubt. Being fearful. Want. The Buddha looked at all this, looked at the solutions on offer, and did an about face. He suggested not chasing the ultimate mental productions of that want ...God, Brahman, Ain Soph, The Self, The Absolute, Truth, Reality, ....and instead looking directly into, and completely experiencing, the want itself. Experiencing it formlessly, dropping all conceptual qualification. He is, as far as I know, the only great teacher who took this direct route, and by doing so he removed the great religious trap of Absolutism, of grasping mental productions as absolute truth, and making more misery... like telling people they are going to Hell for not seeing the One True God.
.. Gassho, kojip.
.. Gassho, kojip.