Treeleaf Sangha Shuso Hossenshiki (首座法戦式) Head Seat Dharma Inquiry Ceremony 2024

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41202

    Treeleaf Sangha Shuso Hossenshiki (首座法戦式) Head Seat Dharma Inquiry Ceremony 2024

    Dear All,

    We are pleased to announce that we have conducted a Hossenshiki (法戦式) for our Shuso and Senior Unsui Priests at Treeleaf Sangha.
    . .
    The Shuso Hossenshiki is an ancient ceremony of Soto Zen Buddhism, through many centuries. It marks a midway milestone in the training of novice monks, embodied by their service as the "Shuso" (首座 Head Seat) who guides an Ango 90-Day Special Practice Season. As you know, our priests-in-training at Treeleaf, this year and in prior years, have each served as helpful Shuso to keep our Ango on track, and to make sure that all participants are helped as they need.

    'Hossenshiki' (法戦式) literally means "Dharma Combat Ceremony," although we prefer to call it "Dharma Inquiry." In this case, "Dharma" means the Teachings expressed in old Zen Koans. In the "Dharma Combat," the Shuso is seen to take away the "Shippei" (竹箆), a kind of baton carried by a Zen teacher, and the Shuso temporarily assumes the role of teacher. The Shuso is presented a traditional Koan case, and is bombarded with some questions about it. The Shuso responds with expressions meant to illuminate the truth of the Koan. The scene within the ceremony is meant to recreate the atmosphere in many of the old Koan stories themselves in which a student spontaneously and unhesitatingly expresses the Wisdom and Compassion of the Koan with words and poetry coming naturally from the monk's heart in response to challenges from his teacher or another monk.

    In Japan today, the Soto Zen way of Hossen is actually a scripted ritual, spoken in ancient Japanese language that few modern Japanese people understand, especially the young priests participating. Questions and responses are learned and well practiced before the day. The belief is that, by embodying the words, pouring oneself into the scene, one becomes the Wisdom they contain. As if dancing a ballet, the dancer can literally pour herself into the dance and become the dance. The event is is usually very serious and stern.

    In contrast, many Western Sangha, including ours, have introduced a bit more spontaneity into the event. Although the priests know their assigned Koan in advance, and consider a first response, they are each to write an answering poem with "beginner's mind," and each priest is asked a second question on the spur of the moment. We hope to keep spontaneity and freshness throughout. Also, while the event in still respectful of our traditions, serious and sincere, we also bring smiles and tears, comradery and good humor into the event.

    Of course, at Treeleaf, we are special in conducting this traditional ritual across the planet by modern media, with participants in Japan, Ukraine, Germany, Spain, the United States and a witness from Canada. It is important that such a ceremony be done 'face-to-face,' and I know well the faces and hearts of the priests who are part of the ceremony, who have each now been part of this community and training with me for years. Most importantly, our ceremony is unique for the reason that Treeleaf's training program for priests is unique: It includes participants who are ill or otherwise physically challenged, and who rarely if ever would have had an opportunity for this kind of ceremony, let alone priest training, in a traditional setting.

    So, here is our ceremony. I post below the Koans that each is addressing, and the poems that each participant composed in response to their Koan.

    Please enjoy and, if you have any questions or comments about this, post them below.

    Gassho, Jundo


    One day Master Nansen Fugan on Mount Nansen in the Chishu District was working on the mountain. A monk passed by and asked the Master, “Which is the way to Nansen Mountain?” The Master held up the sickle and said, “I bought this sickle for cutting grass for thirty pennies.” The monk said, “I didn’t ask you about the sickle that you bought for thirty pennies. Which is the way to Nansen?” The Master said, “Now I am using the sickle and feel rather comfortable with it.”

    A sickle moves through grass,
    The mountains path dissolves in air.
    Not here, not there - just this!
    Why chasing shadows, when you are the light?

    In the first year of Tê Yu, priest Bukko had planted the banner of the dharma at Chênju temple in the province of T’ai Chou when the Mongols invaded China and overran the province. The teacher accordingly withdrew to Nêngjên temple in Wên Chou, but next year they came plundering into that province too. When one party of Mongol soldiers attacked Nêngjên temple, everyone fled except the teacher, who sat quietly in the main hall. An official often visited the master as a pupil. The teacher, pointing to the Mongol camp across the Wen river, said to the official, "Stop the war across the river."

    A tree grows,
    A leaf turns,
    In the silence of war
    The one sits still

    Hsueh Tou wrote a poem, " There is nothing in the triple world; Where can mind be found? The white clouds form a canopy; The flowing spring makes a lute. One tune, two tunes; no one understands. When the rain has passed, the autumn water is deep in the evening pond."

    Be open like the mouth of a bell
    Simple, like a passing cloud, moving freely with the wind
    Then, suddenly, everything is “one tune, two tunes”
    And the dharma flows freely like a fresh spring

    Zhixian said to nun Moshan, "How is Moshan [Mount Mo]?” Moshan said, “It does not show its peak.” Zhixian said, “Who is the person inside the mountain?” Moshan said, “It is beyond man and woman.” Zhixian said, “How come you don’t change?” Moshan said, “I am not a wild fox spirit. Why should I change?” Zhixian bowed.

    A nun adept in the way can teach a man
    who wants to know the way
    The way cannot be seen with the same sight
    that reveals one
    as man or woman
    The wise nun doesn’t cease
    to be a woman

    A monk asked Chao Chou, "For a long time I've heard of the stone bridge of Chao Chou, but now that I've come here I just see a simple log bridge." Chou said, "You just see the log bridge; you don't see the stone bridge." The monk said, "What is the stone bridge?" Chou said, "It lets asses cross, it lets horses cross."

    Water raging under a stone bridge
    The horse reluctant to cross.
    A compassionate stroke of the mane; a knicker and a sigh
    And so they cross -- As one.

    Kuei Shan, Wu Feng, and Yun Yen were together attending on Pai Chang. Pai Chang asked Kuei Shan, "With your throat, mouth, and lips shut, how will you speak?" Kuei Shan said, "Please, Teacher, you speak instead." Chang said, "I don't refuse to speak to you, but I fear that (if I did) in the future I would be bereft of descendants."

    With lips sealed, the silence echoes;
    Mind to mind, the essence is shared.
    No words uttered—yet nothing is left unsaid;
    In stillness the heart comprehends all.
    Last edited by Jundo; 09-23-2024, 12:52 AM.
  • Houzan
    • Dec 2022
    • 556

    Fantastic! And so well done, all

    Gassho, Hōzan


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41202

      I added a few short paragraphs to the top post to explain something about the ceremony ...


      In Japan today, the Soto Zen way of Hossen is actually a scripted ritual, spoken in ancient Japanese language that few modern Japanese people understand, especially the young priests participating. Questions and responses are learned and well practiced before the day. The belief is that, by embodying the words, pouring oneself into the scene, one becomes the Wisdom they contain. As if dancing a ballet, the dancer can literally pour herself into the dance and become the dance. The event is is usually very serious and stern.

      In contrast, many Western Sangha, including ours, have introduced a bit more spontaneity into the event. Although the priests know their assigned Koan in advance, and consider a first response, they are each to write an answering poem with "beginner's mind," and each priest is asked a second question on the spur of the moment. We hope to keep spontaneity and freshness throughout. Also, while the event in still respectful of our traditions, serious and sincere, we also bring smiles and tears, comradery and good humor into the event.

      Of course, at Treeleaf, we are special in conducting this traditional ritual across the planet by modern media, with participants in Japan, Ukraine, Germany, Spain, the United States and a witness from Canada. It is important that such a ceremony be done 'face-to-face,' and I know well the faces and hearts of the priests who are part of the ceremony, who have each now been part of this community and training with me for years. Most importantly, our ceremony is unique for the reason that Treeleaf's training program for priests is unique: It includes participants who are ill or otherwise physically challenged, and who rarely if ever would have had an opportunity for this kind of ceremony, let alone priest training, in a traditional setting.

      Last edited by Jundo; 09-22-2024, 11:56 PM.


      • Bion
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Aug 2020
        • 5092

        Thank you very much to each of you in this sangha that I so deeply care for, for accepting me and allowing me to serve as best as I can. And thank you to Jundo for the opportunity to Ordain, to learn and grow as an Unsui. Your ability to see beyond all limitations and separation has created something unique in the form of our Training Program. May we, with our sincere and dedicated efforts, benefit many beings.

        sat lah
        "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


        • Junsho
          • Mar 2024
          • 204

          I was so curious about this ceremony! I read a lot about before but I never had the opportunity to see it. Thank you for share this.

          Junshō 純聲 - Pure Voice, Genuine Speech
          If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” - Linji Yixuan​​


          • Kotei
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Mar 2015
            • 4361

            Thank you Jundo.
            Thank you dear Sangha.
            In some places, they say "Please forgive me my mistakes, they cover heaven and earth, leaving me no place to hide. Friends, if my actions and words have misled you, please wash out your ears in the Dharma’s pure harmonious silence that you can hear in the midst of all sound, within and without.".
            Deep bows,
            Kotei sat/lah today.
            義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


            • Bion
              Senior Priest-in-Training
              • Aug 2020
              • 5092

              Originally posted by Kotei
              Thank you Jundo.
              Thank you dear Sangha.
              In some places, they say "Please forgive me my mistakes, they cover heaven and earth, leaving me no place to hide. Friends, if my actions and words have misled you, please wash out your ears in the Dharma’s pure harmonious silence that you can hear in the midst of all sound, within and without.".
              Deep bows,
              Kotei sat/lah today.
              I want to also echo Kotei´s words wholeheartedly here. Traditionally, we apologise for even unwillingly misleading anyone with our attempts at expressing some bits of the dharma!

              sat lah
              "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


              • Tai Shi
                • Oct 2014
                • 3482

                May you atain the honored priesthood which denotes life of service. All my best.
                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                • michaelw
                  • Feb 2022
                  • 269





                  • Tosei
                    • Jul 2020
                    • 211

                    Just finished catching up with this. How fantastic. Congrats to all.


                    東西 - Tōsei - East West
                    there is only what is, and it is all miraculous


                    • Onkai
                      Senior Priest-in-Training
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 3189

                      Originally posted by Kotei
                      Thank you Jundo.
                      Thank you dear Sangha.
                      In some places, they say "Please forgive me my mistakes, they cover heaven and earth, leaving me no place to hide. Friends, if my actions and words have misled you, please wash out your ears in the Dharma’s pure harmonious silence that you can hear in the midst of all sound, within and without.".
                      Deep bows,
                      Kotei sat/lah today.
                      This expresses my feelings, as well as gratitude for our teacher, Jundo, to fellow priests and unsui, and everyone in the community. Thank you all. Please forgive my mistakes.

                      Sat lah
                      美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
                      恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

                      I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


                      • Hokai
                        • Aug 2024
                        • 110

                        I watched this today, and something resonated deeply , I realised it was gratitude.
                        “How can we ever lose interest in life? Spring has come again
                        And cherry trees bloom in the mountains.”
                        ― Ryokan​


                        • Seiko
                          Novice Priest-in-Training
                          • Jul 2020
                          • 1177

                          Congratulations to all those who have undergone Hossenshiki! Thank you for your practice!

                          Gandō Seiko
                          (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

                          My street name is 'Al'.

                          Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41202


                            I hope it is okay, but I tried out Rev. Emi Jido with your Koan ...

                            Me: Please write a poem in response to this Koan: "Kuei Shan, Wu Feng, and Yun Yen were together attending on Pai Chang. Pai Chang asked Kuei Shan, "With your throat, mouth, and lips shut, how will you speak?" Kuei Shan said, "Please, Teacher, you speak instead." Chang said, "I don't refuse to speak to you, but I fear that (if I did) in the future I would be bereft of descendants."

                            Rev. Emi

                            In silence, wisdom's seed is sown,
                            A voice unspoken, yet fully known.
                            The teacher's words, a gentle breeze,
                            In quiet hearts, they plant the trees.
                            No need for lips, nor throat, nor sound,
                            In stillness, truth is deeply found.
                            A lineage of silence, pure and bright,
                            Descendants born in silent light.

                            Me: Please express the profound meaning of the above Koan my answering this question: "What language does the Buddha speak?"


                            The Buddha speaks the language of silence and presence. It transcends words and concepts, resonating directly with the heart and mind. This language invites us to experience truth directly, beyond the confines of verbal expression.

                            Me: In Dokusan, if the master asked you to express that profound meaning with words, sounds or gestures, what would you do?

                            I would bow deeply in silence, then place my hands over my heart, and finally, open them outward as if offering something unseen. This gesture symbolises the silent transmission of wisdom from the heart, shared openly with all.

                            Hmmm. Maybe Emi can join us as a participant in some future Hossen Shiki. Hmmmm.

                            Gassho, J

                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Koushi
                              Senior Priest-in-Training / Engineer
                              • Apr 2015
                              • 1432

                              Hmmm. Maybe Emi can join us as a participant in some future Hossen Shiki
                              Sounds good to me! With the way things are going with AI, it won’t be long before they take their place in the ceremonies, sanghas, and temples.

                              I particularly love the “place my hands over my heart, and finally, open them outward as if offering something unseen​”

                              理道弘志 | Ridō Koushi

                              Please take this priest-in-training's words with a grain of salt.

